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[RS] (#25) Rangers at Boston Bruins // Cocaine Bear Blues

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Unfortunately I think Sam will have to get dragged out can't see him ever walking away on his own. He and Valliquette and just painful imo. Sam is like an old couch that has served its purpose well for many years but there comes a time when you gotta cut ties for a better model. Valliquette I'm sure appeals to those that live a die by advanced stats, maybe?
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I think Sam is "close". "Close" to retiring! :rofl:


I get such a kick out of Sam screwing up the play by play these days. It such a "must hear"!!!


Joe Mich must just shake his head in the booth at times....And Valliquette??? UGH!!! :puke: I can't even listen to him anymore!! I've been watching reruns of Top Gun or Rambo in between periods!


I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion but I actually do not like Joe. He says the same 5 things about every player in the league. He's like a NHL 13 announcer.

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Unfortunately I think Sam will have to get dragged out can't see him ever walking away on his own. He and Valliquette and just painful imo. Sam is like an old couch that has served its purpose well for many years but there comes a time when you gotta cut ties for a better model. Valliquette I'm sure appeals to those that live a die by advanced stats, maybe?


I feel like Valliquette is auditioning for an organizational job. Sounds like he's speaking to GMs, not fans.

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I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion but I actually do not like Joe. He says the same 5 things about every player in the league. He's like a NHL 13 announcer.


Valley is way too technical, in my opinion. It's "Paralysis by analysis" with him...nothing short of a "cure for insomnia" type boring. He sounds like he should be a scout.


Sam's gonna be there until he decides he doesn't wanna anymore. I'm fine with it. I grew up listening to Jim Gordon, so I'm a little spoiled with that. Sam was pretty good for a long time, and I'll give him a pass this year because they're doing broadcasts from a studio where they're watching it on a monitor.


They can't hear posts or boards very well at all, so I'll go with that.


Joe's fine with me, but I like Eddie O. on NBC. Too bad we couldn't have a guy like Rick Jeanneret!!! ;)


Here....found it:

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I feel like Valliquette is auditioning for an organizational job. Sounds like he's speaking to GMs, not fans.


My daughter and I always say the same thing when we're changing the channel between periods! He should definitely head up somebody's analytics dept.


Good luck guys!




Ha, perfect!

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I love stats too G Man....and I actually like Valley...he's a very likable personality. But JEEEEEEEEEZUS!!!! He's a little over the top sometimes, with the stats!!!


It's like:


"Well, the last time a guy had a night like that, was when he had 2 fingers wedged in his ass crack sideways, at a 90 degree angle, and tried to whistle the Star Spangled Banner simultaneously...while naked!" :rofl:

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I don't understand Valley's detractors on the board. I like him. Very informative and friendly. I usually miss his segments during games while running out to frig, and I get cut off before the post game as I watch on NHL Center Ice.


I love Rick Jeanneret and watch the Sabres feed when they are playing us.


"This series is going back to where Jimmy Hoffa is buried" upon OT goal versus Devils. Come on, it doesn't get any better than that!

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Valley is way too technical, in my opinion. It's "Paralysis by analysis" with him...nothing short of a "cure for insomnia" type boring. He sounds like he should be a scout.


Sam's gonna be there until he decides he doesn't wanna anymore. I'm fine with it. I grew up listening to Jim Gordon, so I'm a little spoiled with that. Sam was pretty good for a long time, and I'll give him a pass this year because they're doing broadcasts from a studio where they're watching it on a monitor.


They can't hear posts or boards very well at all, so I'll go with that.


Joe's fine with me, but I like Eddie O. on NBC. Too bad we couldn't have a guy like Rick Jeanneret!!! ;)


Here....found it:


There's not many better sounds than Jeanneret screaming "He scoooooooooores!" While the goal horn fills in the background. It's so chaotic and exciting. Gotta be the best goal calls in hockey.

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My God, can't stand Jeanneret and his grating voice yuck.


Pretty decent job by Cally in the studio so far. I actually enjoy Vally and his style, although his over indulgence into stats can sometimes get quite one-dimensional and sleep inducing.

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Vally at home flexing Emmys while Cally in studio looking like he loves meth as much as Al Trautwig.


I'll take the under on Cally having the same issues as Trautwig - although it's no surprise his body broke down he's incredibly undersized for a guy who threw his body around as recklessly as he did. Pretty sure Cally wouldn't trade his career for Vally's.


ok I give on the Emmy's though, what were they for in all seriousness.

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