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Three Nonessential Things You Miss Most While Quarantined

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1. Going out to Restaurants

2. Hockey- my league and NHL

3. Not having to wear an N95 at work and worrying about bringing this shit home to my kids and wife


Things that I have enjoyed:

1. More family time at home without having plans

2. My free time to go fish and spend time outside.

There are a couple of things I will NOT miss when this is over:

1. These grey sweat pants will be burned.

2. My slip-on skater sneakers are daily footwear. They will go into that same fire.


What are going to chuck?




I'm cheating by calling hockey essential.


1. Live sports (we're down to reruns and YouTube views of marble races and the Ocho)

2. Restaurants (although we occasionally get a delivery to try and support our local favorites)

3. Mostly, I miss being outside my house and not having to worry about how close someone else is getting to me (especially the grocery store). If I'm in the middle of an aisle, and someone starts from the other direction, what's the etiquette? I retreat the way I came? First one down an aisle determines the flow of traffic? Just assume that the other person is unaffected and business as usual? Our local grocery chain has asked that from 7 AM to 8 AM be reserved for older customers and other people at risk. I wish that they would also establish a snake traffic pattern starting at the entrance, so that there was only one correct way for an aisle (opposite directions in adjacent rows).


I've got a whole section of brain usually devoted to sports that has been reduced to grocery store shopping analysis. Embarassing.


Traveling. Should’ve been flying to Vienna and Prague in 11 days.


Btw, airlines are assholes. They are not refunding the money but give you a credit for one year. I think the government should step in here.

Traveling. Should?ve been flying to Vienna and Prague in 11 days.


Btw, airlines are assholes. They are not refunding the money but give you a credit for one year. I think the government should step in here.


I dunno If you purchased using a chase card but chase is great at issuing you a refund for ?services not performed?. Had a trip planned to go to the Cayman Islands March 28th- April 3rd and couldn?t even get a hold of anyone at Expedia for a week so I called chase and explained it and got a full refund on their end



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