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#Reclinegate — Who's Side Are You On?

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300 flights over past 8 years. Never reclined, never used the washroom. Never bothered me when people reclined, would bother me when they use the washroom 15 minutes in to a flight. I don't have to fly again in the foreseeable future and wouldn't miss it if I never did again.
Recline. That dude is being a little bitch. Looks like he has plenty of space for what he's doing.


Shaved head, nu-male beard, black rims. What would you expect?

I don't ever recline. Not a huge fan of being reclined on, but it's really just an inconvenience. I just don't do it because I don't like having it done to me. No need to be a dick like the guy in the video, though.

Recline. It’s a half an inch.


I usually don’t unless there’s no one behind me , but if the planes that empty, you probably have an empty seat next to you


The internet is asking the wrong question.


It's not whether or not reclining is okay. It's why we're in a space where someone cannot recline without inconveniencing the person behind them.

The internet is asking the wrong question.


It's not whether or not reclining is okay. It's why we're in a space where someone cannot recline without inconveniencing the person behind them.


This is correct, but the logistics to solve this issue are hard to accomplish. You're talking about redesigning every commercial aircraft on the planet.

Maybe Boeing should get to work on this instead of attempting to fix 747s (don't @ me, i don't actually know what's going on with boeing).

The internet is asking the wrong question.


It's not whether or not reclining is okay. It's why we're in a space where someone cannot recline without inconveniencing the person behind them.


I'm dropping this fucking class ASAP

I don't think the Guy would have done this if the woman was someone bigger and less docile. Super-dick move to keep punching her seat. Polite conversation works too. A-hole personified. FWIW I recline to the first seat setting and not all the way back.
The internet is asking the wrong question.


It's not whether or not reclining is okay. It's why we're in a space where someone cannot recline without inconveniencing the person behind them.


I don't agree.


The woman is sitting in a seat that reclines. Who the fuck does this douche monkey think he is to do something that's NOT within his right (basically assault), because someone else is doing something within their right?


Yeah, that dude is passive-aggressive to the max and that is not better than the "conflict" that would have happened had he just talked to the woman.


The dude needs to be stoned publicly and I ain't talkin about :slats:

I don't agree.


The woman is sitting in a seat that reclines. Who the fuck does this douche monkey think he is to do something that's NOT within his right (basically assault), because someone else is doing something within their right?


I'm not defending his reaction. He's an asshole. She's not in the wrong for reclining. He's not in the wrong for being upset about it. He's absolutely in the wrong for repeatedly punching her chair.


I'm stating that the problem doesn't exist if you create seats that don't create space problems for anyone over 5'6.


And yeah, it'd require retrofitting planes - just like airlines do every time they find a way to squeeze yet another five seats on the same size plane.

I'm not defending his reaction. He's an asshole. She's not in the wrong for reclining. He's not in the wrong for being upset about it. He's absolutely in the wrong for repeatedly punching her chair.


I'm stating that the problem doesn't exist if you create seats that don't create space problems for anyone over 5'6.


And yeah, it'd require retrofitting planes - just like airlines do every time they find a way to squeeze yet another five seats on the same size plane.


I'm not even sure I agree with the bold. This is the first time I've ever heard of reclinegate. Never even thought to complain about it.

Chair reclines. End of story.

I'm not defending his reaction. He's an asshole. She's not in the wrong for reclining. He's not in the wrong for being upset about it. He's absolutely in the wrong for repeatedly punching her chair.


I'm stating that the problem doesn't exist if you create seats that don't create space problems for anyone over 5'6.


And yeah, it'd require retrofitting planes - just like airlines do every time they find a way to squeeze yet another five seats on the same size plane.


He is, though.


I'll backtrack a little, because in fairness to this guy we don't know if he had already politely asked the lady if she wouldn't mind sitting up a bit. Maybe she got nasty with him about it and it escalated to what it was from there. Who knows. Not enough info.


Agree with G that if some of these airliners didn't cram you in like sardines we wouldn't even be talking about 2-3 inches of recline being any kind of deal at all.

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