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Kaapo Kakko: "There's no fun in my game right now"

Morphinity 2.0

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Via the hockey subreddit:


Kaapo Kakko gave an interview to Finnish media and spoke his mind...


Kaapo Kakko's NHL career has started below expectations, but the man does not give up on his goal of quickly becoming a key player in his team.


On Sunday, the New York Rangers, represented by Kakko, 18, lost for the fourth time in a row. The Vancouver Canucks were better in the afternoon at Madison Square Garden with a score of 3-2. After six NHL matches, Kakko's stats register only one goal.


After the defeat, Kaapo's body language said a lot. Losing and his own showings are getting on the nerve. That's what a young man honestly admits.


"There is no fun in my game right now" Kakko said in the Rangers locker room.


"Things haven't gone as planned. Sometimes I feel like I could be more on the ice. It would be great to be able to experiment at some point in the first line. I understand that can't happen, when my current performances were not very good."

In six NHL games and in the three practice games before that, Kakko's line has had lot of traffic. Coach David Quinn has changed his compositions frequently. On Sunday, Kakko's line mates were Brett Howden and Brendan Lemieux.


"There hasn't been any line performing well. It must have been seen by anyone who has watched the games. When you pile up losses, changes need to be made."


The abnormal schedule has clearly made the Rangers frustrated, and finding the rhythm of the game will be difficult for both the team and the newcomer Kakko. Although the NHL is just under three weeks behind, the Rangers have already had 13 days off.


"The player wants to play. You want to show that you can play well. After the first two games I was already a little frustrated, especially when my game was not what I had expected."


"My goal is to play a leading role for the team. I don't want to hear people tell me, that I'm a young guy who should take his time to get used to the style of play. I want to be the one to score and solve games right away."


The New York Rangers are still in the process of rebuilding, so you can't expect much from a successful team. The club must now carefully consider what is the best way to proceed with their rookie star. Will he be given a bigger role in the NHL or will he be sent off to get a boost from the farm team?


"I'll fight now to stay even in the lineup. But most of all, we have to look like a team. We can't lose all the time." Kakko says emphatically.


Finnish source: https://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/artikkeli/811573-kaapo-kakko-sanoo-rehellisesti-ei-ole-kovin-kivaa-jaakiekko-omalta-kohdalta-talla

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Kid needs linemates. They're playing 3 on 5 when that line is out.


This. The solution is staring Quinn in the face. Instead, we're going to waste another game (and likely loss) by throwing Jesper Fast up with Panarin and Zibanejad.

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"My goal is to play a leading role for the team. I don't want to hear people tell me, that I'm a young guy who should take his time to get used to the style of play. I want to be the one to score and solve games right away."



love this answer. you guys are spot on. bring up the kids Kravt/Chytil and just give them minutes. Problem with these builds are that its the coaches record. he's trying to win games. as a fan i'd rather bring the youth up, throw them to the wolves and coach the shit out of them. not bringing fast up from the 4th line and making smith the 12th center.

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Quinn needs to give him that top line spot. Im as big a fan of Fast as anyone, but why he's on the top line (not that he hasn't earned ice time, he has) is beyond me.


Howden is not a 2nd line center. Chytil should be up here playing that spot, maybe Anderson instead.


Strome has been ok since we got him, I don't think he's supposed to be our consistent top 9 option and he's not the big rebuild piece we need.

I'd be ok with losing if all the young guys were getting the ice time they need. but that hasn't been the case at all

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i'd switch Kakko with Kravtsov, but other than that it looks beautiful


People have been telling me that.

I've posted this lineup since June. figured Kravtsov needs a bit more help, and can get that from his Russian linemate. Kakko fits with Andersson-Strome better, style-wise.

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People have been telling me that.

I've posted this lineup since June. figured Kravtsov needs a bit more help, and can get that from his Russian linemate. Kakko fits with Andersson-Strome better, style-wise.


sure but I was never the one who believed that Russians or whoever needs to play with Russians to get acclimated. on the ice, its instinct and talent.

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sure but I was never the one who believed that Russians or whoever needs to play with Russians to get acclimated. on the ice, its instinct and talent.


I think Kravtsov needs a friend right now more than anything. Poor guy seems absolutely dejected in the A.

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"My goal is to play a leading role for the team. I don't want to hear people tell me, that I'm a young guy who should take his time to get used to the style of play. I want to be the one to score and solve games right away."


Idk who was gassing him up to make him think this way, but he doesn't seem to have much perspective about how far ahead of other leagues the NHL is. I like the attitude, but he probably needs some perspective.

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Kreider - Zibanejad- Buchnevich

Panarin- Chytil- Kravtsov

Strome- andersson- Kakko

Lemieux- Howden - Fast


It's such an obvious line structure, that I really like, that I wonder what we're missing. I just don't understand why we haven't seen anything even remotely looking like this.

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