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Happy 25th Anniversary of Matteau Day

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The curse seemed more real than ever after Zelepukin's goal with 7.7 seconds left. I spent the intermission before the first OT stumbling around the concourse muttering "it can't be, it can't be." I'll never forget the instant, after Matteau's wrap around when the crowd behind the goal started to react but before the red light went on. Was it in!?! Then the red light.
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The desolation of that intermission is still as vivid as the joy following the Matteau goal. I was sitting about 25 feet from the net, between the goal and the press box. The stairs were very narrow and it was a trick not to tumble while leaping in celebration.


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Got tackle-hugged by some big heavy lady in section 221 on the stairs!!!


...Last piece of ass I got since my finger went through the toilet paper!!! :rofl:


Best night ever!!! ....From what I remember!

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We were watching the game at our old place in Brooklyn before we moved to NJ. I distinctly remember my father's face when the Zelepukin goal happened. I also remember my uncle just matter-of-factly saying, "there it is. The curse is still alive."


My dad spent the rest of the game cleaning the bathrooms in the house. Odd reaction to nerves. To this day, "time to clean the bathroom" is a reference in our family whenever something goes wrong in the playoffs. He didn't come out until he heard us all yelling when Matteau scored. I remember I had gotten a little stuffed bunny toy for Easter that year that we had affectionately named Zubov. He became a good luck charm, and everyone in the family would take turns shaking Zubov at the screen (he's still around FYI and comes out for big playoff games, I've posted his picture on here before). My mom needed to stitch him after this game.


Just as I remember the negative emotions following the Zelepukin goal, I remember the elation when the clock struck 0 in Game 7 vs Vancouver. Somehow my dad managed to scoop up me, my brother and my sister in his arms at the same time and we spun around the room until he fell over. We wouldn't find out until about two weeks later that he fractured his tailbone in that fall lol. Up until the day he passed away, even when it would hurt like hell during bad/cold weather, he always said, "it was worth it."


I'm jealous of those of you who got to be there, but I'm also sure it shaved 10 years off your life.


Nostalgia aside, I wish we still didn't have to milk 1994 for glory still today. I hope we get to make more memories sometime soon.

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My dad spent the rest of the game cleaning the bathrooms in the house. Odd reaction to nerves. To this day, "time to clean the bathroom" is a reference in our family whenever something goes wrong in the playoffs. He didn't come out until he heard us all yelling when Matteau scored.


I went to bed in the middle of the second OT of the "Stemkowski Game" in 1971 because I couldn't take it any longer.


Now as for the Matteau game, we must remember that there are forces in nature that are stronger than even loyalty in the Rangers. I fidgeted throughout the OT because I was late for a date with a very hot stewardess! As soon as I got out from under the pile in my section, I ran out of the Garden.

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We were watching the game at our old place in Brooklyn before we moved to NJ. I distinctly remember my father's face when the Zelepukin goal happened. I also remember my uncle just matter-of-factly saying, "there it is. The curse is still alive."


My dad spent the rest of the game cleaning the bathrooms in the house. Odd reaction to nerves. To this day, "time to clean the bathroom" is a reference in our family whenever something goes wrong in the playoffs. He didn't come out until he heard us all yelling when Matteau scored. I remember I had gotten a little stuffed bunny toy for Easter that year that we had affectionately named Zubov. He became a good luck charm, and everyone in the family would take turns shaking Zubov at the screen (he's still around FYI and comes out for big playoff games, I've posted his picture on here before). My mom needed to stitch him after this game.


Just as I remember the negative emotions following the Zelepukin goal, I remember the elation when the clock struck 0 in Game 7 vs Vancouver. Somehow my dad managed to scoop up me, my brother and my sister in his arms at the same time and we spun around the room until he fell over. We wouldn't find out until about two weeks later that he fractured his tailbone in that fall lol. Up until the day he passed away, even when it would hurt like hell during bad/cold weather, he always said, "it was worth it."


I'm jealous of those of you who got to be there, but I'm also sure it shaved 10 years off your life.


Nostalgia aside, I wish we still didn't have to milk 1994 for glory still today. I hope we get to make more memories sometime soon.


Great story. Yeah. I want multiple Cups.

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We were watching the game at our old place in Brooklyn before we moved to NJ. I distinctly remember my father's face when the Zelepukin goal happened. I also remember my uncle just matter-of-factly saying, "there it is. The curse is still alive."


My dad spent the rest of the game cleaning the bathrooms in the house. Odd reaction to nerves. To this day, "time to clean the bathroom" is a reference in our family whenever something goes wrong in the playoffs. He didn't come out until he heard us all yelling when Matteau scored. I remember I had gotten a little stuffed bunny toy for Easter that year that we had affectionately named Zubov. He became a good luck charm, and everyone in the family would take turns shaking Zubov at the screen (he's still around FYI and comes out for big playoff games, I've posted his picture on here before). My mom needed to stitch him after this game.


Just as I remember the negative emotions following the Zelepukin goal, I remember the elation when the clock struck 0 in Game 7 vs Vancouver. Somehow my dad managed to scoop up me, my brother and my sister in his arms at the same time and we spun around the room until he fell over. We wouldn't find out until about two weeks later that he fractured his tailbone in that fall lol. Up until the day he passed away, even when it would hurt like hell during bad/cold weather, he always said, "it was worth it."


I'm jealous of those of you who got to be there, but I'm also sure it shaved 10 years off your life.


Nostalgia aside, I wish we still didn't have to milk 1994 for glory still today. I hope we get to make more memories sometime soon.

As wonderful a season as it was, MSG has continued to sell 1994 like soap. And recall they should have at least gotten to another final or 2 from 1992 through 1996. The dynasty that wasn't.

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[/b][/i][/u] As wonderful a season as it was, MSG has continued to sell 1994 like soap. And recall they should have at least gotten to another final or 2 from 1992 through 1996. The dynasty that wasn't.


The Ron Francis 90 foot goal lost what would have been a cup. A series of unwise moves by Smith (including promoting Campbell to coach) and a rash of injuries in the 1997 playoffs finished off what should have been a dynasty.

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Great call by Howie Rose. I was watching on a 40" TV, which was a big TV at that time, and when the puck went in I swore it was Tikkanen who scored the goal off a pass from Matteau. I was yelling Tik Tik, LOL I don't think Sam knew who scored until the replay.
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The ebbs and flows of emotion that night were insane... Of course a 1-0 game was GOING to happen, wanting to puke through your fingers was the only way to end that series. with 7.8 seconds left I was on cloud 9- having never moved there since Game 6 (still the coolest sporting event I've ever seen in person).. What a gut punch.. What I remember most vividly strangely enough is the 1st OT.. I probably walked 5 miles in my parents basement during that 1st OT- circle after circle after circle.. I remember my dad telling me to stop walking before the 2nd to change the vibe- brilliant call.


The Finals were a bit of a blur, but I remember going to the parade like it was yesterday

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The curse seemed more real than ever after Zelepukin's goal with 7.7 seconds left. I spent the intermission before the first OT stumbling around the concourse muttering "it can't be, it can't be." I'll never forget the instant, after Matteau's wrap around when the crowd behind the goal started to react but before the red light went on. Was it in!?! Then the red light.
That was the agony of 54 years coming to fruition with 7.7 seconds remaining then overcoming with joy in 2OT


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I was so amped up & superstitious that I had to watch the game alone. I was single at the time and sat in my apartment in my favorite chair. I was wearing my Messier jersey & my favorite Rangers hat was up on the shelf exactly wear it needed to be. Sitting in my humidor was an expensive cigar that would not be touched or even looked at until the Rangers won the Stanley Cup. Vodka with a splash of 7 was the beverage of choice.


I was as tense as I could be. As the 3rd period was winding down to the final seconds, I stood & screamed at the tv.


When Zelepukin scored, I let rip every curse word I could think of. In that moment, it almost felt like we had lost the game. How the hell could this happen with 7.7 seconds left???


Oh... because these are the Rangers!


I finally gathered control of my emotions & sat down to watch the agonizing overtimes.


When Matteau scored, I lost my mind. Such a great feeling. I walked down to the bar & the owner, a big Ranger fan, saw me walk in & poured me a drink.


When the Rangers finally won the Cup, I walked into the same bar right after the game. This time the owner of the bar poured me a drink and lit a match for my cigar.


A magical year.

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Had just moved to CA the previous Feb. Had to watch it all from 3000 miles away. Watched that game in my apartment by myself. I think I woke up the entire complex when 'Pukin tied it then again when Matteu scored :-)


Was on the phone with all my buds in the local bar in NY as we counted down the final seconds of the Cup final together. I didn't need the phone to hear all of NY screaming from CA.

If it took me leaving the F'g state for the boys to FINALLY win a Cup in my lifetime.... it was worth it.

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what scares me the most is looking at a team like the Blues and their 49 years between making the finals.


Fucking Sam Rosen


That's the thing about expansion. The average fan will probably never see his team win a cup with 32 teams. When you consider that many teams will repeat, the average team will go more than 32 years without winning. There will be many 54 plus year droughts. Toronto, St. Louis, Buffalo and Vancouver are already close.

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