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Thank you for another year of fun on BSBH


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Phil and the rest of the behind-the-scenes people who make this place happen, make it run and make it a warm place to visit whenever any of us stop by to say "Hi!" -- I offer my sincere and heart-felt 'Thank you' for all of your time, talent and treasure. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


We are a different lot, us. We root for a sport still struggling for national recognition. At times, even us diehards wonder why we're on this road together, why we continue to put unending hope above all manner of rational thought and root for an organization, a team, that literally disintegrated before our eyes bringing us much pain this season. I'm certain that many of us share the common bond of significant others and spouses who will never understand our need to say that we bleed blue. And yet we're here.


If it were not for Phil, and the Mods, the rest of us wouldn't have this playground to romp. Thanks again for leaving the gate wide-open for us to play.



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As a newcomer to BSBH, I'd like to give a great big thanks for this forum of blue bloods. I've been a long time poster on nyrs.com. The NHL took over the site and managed to screw up the ability for fans to voice their opinions after games from news articles re: Rangers. And it wasn't just N.Y., it is league wide. I miss that and I am thrilled to be able to read posts from die hard and sometimes intelligent hockey fans. JK. Thanks!


Sent from my SM-N900T using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

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As a newcomer to BSBH, I'd like to give a great big thanks for this forum of blue bloods. I've been a long time poster on nyrs.com. The NHL took over the site and managed to screw up the ability for fans to voice their opinions after games from news articles re: Rangers. And it wasn't just N.Y., it is league wide. I miss that and I am thrilled to be able to read posts from die hard and sometimes intelligent hockey fans. JK. Thanks!


Sent from my SM-N900T using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

Nailed it! lmao

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