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What Popular Thing Have You Never Done/Experienced?


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Jesus Christ, I thought I was the rube.



I can't think of anything. I was going to say watch a Marvel movie but I watched Deadpool.

Never tried coffee

I can honestly say I've never eaten an entire pickle in my life. I've had small slices on burgers but never more than a bite of a whole spear.


Never tried coffee? Liking, fine. But tried? You've never even had a sip?

I've never read a comic book


Or been to White Castle


Good call on the White Castle. Was one of the biggest disappointments ever.


I thought of one: I've never gone to the gym. Never.

I've never seen Titanic, Jurrasic Park or Schindler's List.

Oh shit, movies I could do...


I have never seen the Star Wars movies.

Never seen the Star Trek shows.

Never seen any Power Rangers shows or movies (are there movies?)


I don't particularly watch movies, so almost any movie that's popular, I'll have not seen it. There are some exceptions, of course.


Oh I've never seen the Wizard of Oz.

Also, theres a bunch of NYC touristy things I've never done. Since I grew up close and went often, we never really went to do tourist things, mostly just to like go see a show/sports or go out to dinner. Like I've never done Rockefeller Center, ESB, WTC, etc. I think I've only been to Grand Central like twice. No reason to go, since things we did in the city werent really near it.

I have never eaten a full strip of bacon


I feel like, as a mod, I need to infract you for this.

LOL! Growing up a jew in a kosher household I wasnt brought up with bacon. When I was in college I tasted it, didnt like it. The smell of bacon actually makes me nauseous.


You hurt my soul.


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