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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Well if its true then he's still half Stark...just the other half haha


Also I forgot where I saw it, but someone traced out the line of succession if (come on..when) Tommen gets killed. And since everyone else is dead or ineligible, the next in line is Cersei...

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Grand Northern Conspiracy is true, IMO. The more I've read the recent articles/blogs detailing the evidence, the more I'm convinced Rickon's return is entirely staged by SmallJon Umber and the North who are going to attempt to restore a Stark to the Northern houses. If that's Sansa or Jon, I'm not sure, because R+L=J is probably also true... so how "Stark" is he, really?


If they used Rickon as a prop in this, that's pretty cold blooded. They're basically saying, "hey, if the Stark kid gets skinned, that's OK so long as it leads to our ends".

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Well if its true then he's still half Stark...just the other half haha


Also I forgot where I saw it, but someone traced out the line of succession if (come on..when) Tommen gets killed. And since everyone else is dead or ineligible, the next in line is Cersei...


Not sure about that, Tommen rules as a Baratheon after all, who would be officially extinct in the main line after his death. So propably some cadet-branch of the Baratheons would be next. But at that point it will be "the strongest rules" anyway. So Queen Slowpoke with her new Army of Horselords.



Since Smaljon was incredibly loyal to Robb in the books, this could be very true. Would still be a strange plan they had there. Have Osha get in and try murder Ramsey? what? And they sure have to hope they get an opportunity to off Ramsay before he starts cutting Rickon to pieces.


From the Trailer for next episode:


So Littlefinger is still teleporting aroudn the country it seems. :D


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If they used Rickon as a prop in this, that's pretty cold blooded. They're basically saying, "hey, if the Stark kid gets skinned, that's OK so long as it leads to our ends".


I thought there same, but it makes sense. He would see Rickon as a valuable hostage. Something he didn't really do with Theon or Sansa.

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Not sure about that, Tommen rules as a Baratheon after all, who would be officially extinct in the main line after his death. So propably some cadet-branch of the Baratheons would be next. But at that point it will be "the strongest rules" anyway. So Queen Slowpoke with her new Army of Horselords.



Yes you are correct that it is a branch of House Baratheon--the one that birthed Tywin Lannister. And his only eligible child left? Cersei.

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Yes you are correct that it is a branch of House Baratheon--the one that birthed Tywin Lannister. And his only eligible child left? Cersei.


That is hard to believe, it certainly didn't happen in the last 3 Generations, so I'd need a source to a family tree showing the relation, which also proofs that no minor Stormland House doesn't have a better claim. ;) I tried searching myself, but everything I find ends with Steffon and his parents.

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Here is the story: http://mashable.com/2016/05/03/game-thrones-heir/#f8GV5GBSyuqY

Here is a family tree that references some of the names related to Robert, since the one in the article doesnt work anymore apparently:http://www.westeros.org/BoD/Houses/Entry/House_Baratheon/

You can use AWOIAF to trace the Lannister line from the names. It checks out.


Interesting, but there propably is a fault in that thought. Since the "de jure" claim to the throne of the Baratheons comes from the side of Roberts grandmother, a Tagaeryen. So one would have to follow her family tree instead I think, which would end us up at Daenarys or somewhere in Dorne if the Martells hadn't been wiped out.


Or even if we follow the Baratheon-Lannister line, there's is still two more living male Lannisters in the Show: Kevan and Lancel, who both might come before Cersei depending on succession laws, which never have been specified.


And in the end there's a claim of many people on that family-tree being non-canon.

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Non canon to the show or books? Because while your point holds up in the show not so in the books for reasons you probably know


No I don't, cause I don't really know how much Martin himself was involved in that one. I just saw people mentioning that much of that family tree seems to come from a fan-made RPG.


In any event, the part about the claim to the throne coming through the Targaeryen-line holds up in both. ;)

Just like how if all family of the Queen of England died, it wouldn't be the relatives of her husband that inherited the throne, but hers. (though since they are cousins of sorts...)

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The family tree I linked is on westeros.org. It's the official ASOIAF site.

The Targaryen thing doesn't matter though because it's not like they're gonna give up the throne to Daenerys. So if you don't think Cersei is next in line who do you think will succeed Tommen?

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The strongest.


No Lord in Westeros will accept a peaceful takeover by Cersei. Not at this point. Especially since the, however artificial it may be, justification of the Targaryen blood in the Baratheons would be gone.

If Tommen dies the last bit of stability to the Lannister-Baratheon line is gone. It will destroy the Alliance with the Tyrells immediately, if it survives Cerseis plans on how to "rescue" Margaery and Loras to begin with. Without the Tyrells the Lannisters can't hold on to the crown.

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Okay, first for everyone's enjoyment:


Next, this


What are everyone's thoughts on Meera Reed being Jon Snow's twin sister? There's an idea going around that Lyanna Stark gives birth to twins, and there are two babies at the top of that tower. Ned Stark takes one, Howland Reed takes the other. The actress they picked to play Meera actually does look a bit like Jon Snow, and they hinted in the show that she has a much bigger role to play in the events to come.


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That was another amazing episode. Knew we would learn more about Hodor after seeing brand flash back in previous episodes.


So sad to think there will only be like 13 (forget what the exact number is now) episodes left in the series.

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Now that Michael Lombardo (HBO exec) is out who knows. But the plan was 13 episodes over seasons 7/8, AMC style, which would make 18 episodes left. Could change though.

Well the story arc has kind of a natural conclusion I think. You've got the settling of current Westeros politics and then however the war with the White Walkers end. Everything after that is, more or less, repetitive, even if you add all new characters and stories. While I think the 18 episodes is probably a bit shorter than I would expect, there's not going to be another 5 seasons or anything like that.


What I do think is likely is GoT spinoffs - Gendry (wtf happened to him) Littlefinger, any of the other houses, a preamble with the Lannister's rise, Dario, Jaqen...all of those types of characters and scenarios could have interesting series of their own.

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