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Everything posted by Chizz

  1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_5ccaxpbSWmU/R1Ey4oivJbI/AAAAAAAAACs/avKeqrNkyZ4/s1600-R/deedeedee.gif
  2. I glanced at my screen and saw "Chizz is just awesome" and thought to myself "Who could've possibly posted that? Oh wait a minute that isn't a post...." lmao
  3. Was anyone aware that if you hover over your rep bar, it has a little blurb?
  4. I had a blast the last time I called!
  5. Where'd ya go?!?
  6. I start my new job today. Working 1-11:30 ughhhhh. I wish I was more excited to start a new job lol.
  7. Im so sorry to hear this Mike. My condolences go out to you and your family.
  8. I hope you're going to Peter Luger's.
  9. A little bit of advice. Sit on the computer with your fiancee one night and go through all the possible halls before going to visit them. You will eliminate more than half of them before you even walk in. Save yourself a lot of time and get to sit at the beach that much more!
  10. LOL, I know I know. I was just joshin!
  11. Shit, i'll register under a new name and come!
  12. Oh, my bad. I thought I read that the more you rep, the more your rep is worth.
  13. Your rep power will go up the more you rep.
  14. I wish we could reply to our reps.
  15. Why are some reps worth different points? Who determines how much a rep is worth?
  16. Man, we have a bunch of ass kissers in here! I just noticed the green rep bars under the mods names. Mods have the most rep. LOL
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