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Everything posted by Chizz

  1. I just stumbled across it, laughed, and felt the need to share it. lmao
  2. World records that you wont find in the Guinness Book of Records... Rated R
  3. Define "destroy the house". Throwing your xbox controller across the room? :D
  4. Seriously though. Who's brilliant idea was it to shut down all of the main roads in East Rockaway from 3pm-7pm. I was livid. Had my window down in my car screaming at everyone. Almost got hit twice. It seems every weekend, they have some stupid thing going on that shuts down roads. This place is crowded enough.
  5. Seriously though. Who's brilliant idea was it to shut down all of the main roads in East Rockaway from 3pm-7pm. I was livid. Had my window down in my car screaming at everyone. Almost got hit twice. It seems every weekend, they have some stupid thing going on that shuts down roads. This place is crowded enough.
  6. What the FUCK was going on in E. Rock yesterday? I fuckin hate this town.
  7. What the FUCK was going on in E. Rock yesterday? I fuckin hate this town.
  8. I think under his avatar it says Pittsburgh. Pretty sure that's in PA.
  9. You must be close to broke also lol
  10. What are you, a direct tv commercial?
  11. LMAO. I'm sitting here saying to myself "How often do you really touch your ear?" and I realize that I have my palm leaning against my ear. hahaha
  12. LOL. I shaved my head with a bic razor one summer. I had never done that before in my life. Forgot to put sunscreen on my head because obviously I had never needed it. That sucked!
  13. Yeah, I've been sunburned like that once before. My wife keeps looking at me and laughing at me for being so red. I told her that this isn't even the worst sunburn I've gotten. I had sunburn so badly once that I couldn't move without being in excruciating pain.
  14. I was like that 10 minutes ago. Now I have the chills. That's right, my wife has applied the aloe. Ahhhhhh
  15. We should have a Sunburned contest for the day. I bet you I win. Not that I am proud of that. I want to cry right now.
  16. Well, I was gonna say if we reach the Cup Finals, we should get together for a game but that seems highly unlikely now.
  17. Well, I was gonna say if we reach the Cup Finals, we should get together for a game but that seems highly unlikely now.
  18. LMAO, I go to both. Depends on where I am coming from.
  19. Oh God, I would've been raped and then pistol whipped.
  20. LMAO. I seriously thought I was going to be raped. The cashier asked if I wanted her to call the police.
  21. I'm not so sure it was "playing it off".
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