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Everything posted by Chizz

  1. Just read an article saying the cold weather should be moving in in Feb.
  2. It all falls under the same category, ok!? Sheesh!
  3. Repped. If it weren't for them, blooper shows wouldn't exist.
  4. You're a rep slut. Rep whores get paid.
  5. I loved Grown Ups as well and can't wait for the sequel.
  6. I know its tough bro. My Grandma was a 2nd mother to me who lived in my house my entire life. I was devastated and still am to this day. It's been 9 years and I still miss her, but she is in a better place and once day we will all be together in pure happiness. Just remember all the good times you had with her and the sad tears wont be so sad. Hang in there buddy.
  7. I've been dealing with a colicky baby for 8 days. I need a Rangers victory to put me in better spirits. We seem to have conquered it though so I'm looking forward to tonight and maybe getting more than 3 hours of sleep.
  8. I just worked 15 hours and my daughter doesn't want to sleep. My jokes aren't coming out right at the moment. lol
  9. That's what she said? Dammit! I've lost it!
  10. I'm trying to play it cool. Don't blow my spot, bro!
  11. When my pick is up can you please select the next person off of my list? I'm off to work now. Thank you!
  12. When my pick is up can you please select the next person off of my list? I'm off to work now. Thank you!
  13. Oh, I thought it was every 100 points and 1000 points it increases.
  14. I'm a bit confused. When does your rep bar increase?
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