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Everything posted by Chizz

  1. If he whispered Chizz, I probably would have made the connection a lot sooner. Chizz was a nickname given to me when I lived in Suffolk County that never made it's way over to Nassau County. So the only people who would refer to me as Chizz would be a really old friend (which I thought he was) or one of you guys.
  2. Ok first of all, he walked up to me and didn't say a word for a good 3 seconds. So I'm thinking "Who the fuck is this dude". He says whats up to me. I say what's up to him, and then he says hello to the cashier. He then walks away. The cashier then looks at me and goes "Do you know him or something?" I replied, "Um, no I thought you knew him." and we both laughed about it. The rest is true. He did go to his candy destination. I had my daughter with me and as I am walking towards him to walk out, he looks at me again and gives me this creepy, pedophile look. Something like this :bravery:. I thought he was going to try and abduct my daughter. He introduced himself, asked if I was Joey and then we fell in love.
  3. Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. It was alright. I prefer to run by myself, but that's my wife's friend who hated me for 6 years and I have made it a goal in my life to have her friends love me. I'm getting there lol. I deserved all of the hate, don't get me wrong lol
  4. Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. It was alright. I prefer to run by myself, but that's my wife's friend who hated me for 6 years and I have made it a goal in my life to have her friends love me. I'm getting there lol. I deserved all of the hate, don't get me wrong lol
  5. LMAO! It would've been cool. It was an old friend that came to visit my daughter, She was catching me up on the last year of her life. I could've used an interruption. My head was spinning lol
  6. LMAO! It would've been cool. It was an old friend that came to visit my daughter, She was catching me up on the last year of her life. I could've used an interruption. My head was spinning lol
  7. LOL. You see me and you dont even say hi? Douche!
  8. LOL. You see me and you dont even say hi? Douche!
  9. Stop stalking me!
  10. Stop stalking me!
  11. Chizz

    Did one of my pictures get removed from the funny internet picture thread today or did I just forget to post it? lol I dont want to post it again if it was taken down.
  12. "Corner". It's actually the shed behind the temple. Knock to the tune of "Hava Nagila". She'll let you in.
  13. Oside lol. You're in luck too. She's not allowed to date a guy who isn't Jewish. Her family calls it the Chizz rule.
  14. My ex wasn't like that. She is now. :rofl:
  15. Yup. I wake up and immediately turn to my wife and tell her how I had a dream about my ex.
  16. I've been with my wife for 7 years, married for 1.5 years. I still have dreams about my ex gf whom I was with for 3 years. It has nothing to do with feelings. Those 3 years wont just disappear from your memory.
  17. Just bought Blink tickets for May 20th show! Out of nowhere they decided to do a short 4 show mini tour. I guess because they are playing bamboozled this year and were going to be on the road and figured they should make a few bucks out of it? I dont know. Regardless, I get to see them yet again. I can't fricken wait!
  18. Haha. I always think about that saying my mother told me when I was 4. "Procrastination is like masturbation. In the end you're just fucking yourself."
  19. Is it bad that I thought that said "Masturbator"? Lmao too far?
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