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About Beeski

  • Birthday 03/08/1963

Beeski's Achievements

BSBH Junior

BSBH Junior (6/14)

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  1. NHL Network is replaying game 4 @ Panthers. We were up 2 games to 1. We were up 1-0 after Vinnie scores a Power Play Goal halfway through the 1st. We were oh so close.
  2. Man this hurts to watch......really thought it was our time. Florida scoring early re-enforces my decision to pull for Edmonton.
  3. Larry with the win: https://x.com/NYP_Brooksie/status/1794955917978464430 (just saw this was already posted in the series thread....sorry)
  4. Rodrigues is back in the game......should have been called for Embellishment
  5. We had 3 or 4 great scoring opportunities, goals on 2 of them.....I'll take it. Now if Miller can remember how to clear the puck out of the zone on a Power Play....we'll be ok.
  6. Ummmmm.....anyone else think we should give Goodrow - Rempe - Cuylle more ice time?
  7. What Hockey player has ever scored 3 goals, in the playoffs, down 2, in the 3rd period, within 9 minutes. I'm still in shock. Where do we put Kreider's statue?
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