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Posts posted by pws85nyr

  1. You know what, the more I read about the English fans behaviours after the group stages the more I want to retract some of my earlier statements. It’s pretty appalling and as an Englishman I’m pretty ashamed (booing of anthems aside as you all know my thoughts on that). It’s odd because these fans haven’t been in the stadiums since the early to late 90’s. Wembley has been a bit of a library over the past decade or so since the renovation (and clamp down on hooliganism). Very family orientated and watered down so to speak. So I guess with Covid and children perhaps not being vaccinated etc. it has shifted back to old habits. Great atmosphere at times, but too much bullshit from a bunch of idiots. But this is the sign of the times back home since Brexit, toxic island right now in places. Contributed to the reasons why I immigrated. Perhaps I’m out of touch having lived abroad for 4 years now. Such a shame. I want the team to win because they deserve it, and more so Southgate, but don’t do it for the fans if this is how they are gonna behave. Do it for yourselves.


    Anyways, I was quick to defend them so felt it only right to call them out to when deserved. Also, Hungary got a 2 game ban for their abuse so fair play UEFA, as I was complaining about double standards but clearly there aren’t on this occasion. England rightly finned for the laser incident (again I disagree re the anthem and think Gary Neville’s comments were spot on).


    That being said, COME ON ENGLAND (“it’s coming home” is getting old and I loved Schmeichel’s comments on it lol, so true and pretty arrogant IMO).



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  2. There has always been bad calls in football, that I will admit. Hell, Ireland missed out on the 2010 World Cup because the referee missed a handball goal that sent France through in a playoff. Zidane got sent off for a “head butt” where Materazzi rolled around as if he were dying and his chest caved in.lol. In 94 I think Zola got sent off a few minutes into a match for a straight red on a challenge that wasn’t even really a foul lol. Totti sent off against South Korea for a questionable dive when it seemed pretty clear the referee caught a bit of Korean bias all game. What was the World Cup game where someone got 3 yellow cards? In 1990 England got not one, but two penalties very late and in extra time in the quarter finals against Cameroon to advance. Rivaldo cheating Turkey and getting a guy sent off lol. Been going on since Moses was in short pants. No team is immune from it.


    100%, it’s a reason why a lot of people don’t like the sport and I struggle with it at times. I think I’m simply saying we have had more than our fair share, and it’s nice to get a dubious decision to go our way for once. It’s rare but we’ll take it. It’s not “poor little us” or small nation syndrome etc lol, just nice after some real bad calls over the years to get one in our favour. Every one gets cheated I agree, I just feel we have had more than our fair share. And on the balance of things the Danes got one to so it evens itself out in due course. Now we get a call and people aren’t happy about it lol. But anyway it’s done know so hopefully we make the most of it. All means nothing otherwise.


    And yes it was Graham Poll (English) who gave 3 yellows in a game lol. Counting isn’t our strong suit clearly.



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  3. I don't mind England winning or celebrating, mind you. It's just that the Internet currently is filled with a certain type of loudmouth fan that I can't handle anymore nowadays. It's not an "english" issue of course, every team has them, it's just that the english version comes of a bit sillier than others, at least towards us with their constant talk about the Wars or 1966 as if it still mattered. It wasn't meant to attack you or anyone else in particular, just trying to say that those people are running around shouting loudly currently and in turn decreasing neutral support for England.


    You know what I think those comments are totally fair with more context. We do have plenty of idiot fans, and Germany probably gets the brunt of it given the rivalry and history etc. which is ridiculous when you really think about it. I guess the problem is social media (which I’m not on for this type of reason) gives these tools a platform. Maybe I just don’t see that perspective given I’m English. I only see my mates and others etc who aren’t douchebags and don’t understand all the constant negativity about us (I get some of it for the reasons you mention and more, I’m not naive to that fact).


    Anyways, on a lighter note, only one more hangover to go. I feel like complete dog shit today [emoji106]



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  4. It's a soccer tradition really, I grew up watching in the late 80s and 90s, disrespecting the opponents anthem was basic standard. Worse when we would play the Dutch, that was real hate back then.


    Exactly. Couldn’t agree more. Everyone does it, just so happens it’s one of the rare things we are good at lol.


    As people have said before ideally it wouldn’t happen in a perfect world, but it’s not. Adds to the atmosphere IMO, no harm done. If anything probably adds motivation to the opposition.



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  5. I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to the game, even the PK was just because they did more slow-mo's of it, but usually free kicks are ignored because they aren't seen as an automatic goal, like a PK is.

    But as usual it's also all about rooting interest and people prefer the Underdog. Doesn't help that a lot of English supporters on my side of the Atlantic are running around as if they'd won anything already. I get it, they actually reached a final for once and are happy, but I saw my country win 2 World Cups and a Euro at Wembley and reach several more finals during my lifetime, maybe don't bring out the old song about "2 World Wars and 1 World Cup" just yet. lol


    Yeah I get neutrals would root for Denmark, no issue with that, was a nice story after the Erikson situation. But I guess my point is people focus on the penalty and not that incident, both led to goals, both should not have been given. UEFA are gonna fine England for booing anthems, ok fine I don’t agree but can understand it, but why have you not fined the Hungarian fans for their homophobic amuse in the group games. It’s just double standards IMO.


    I mean, your annoyed that they are excited they made a final for the first time since 1966? I certainly wouldn’t be getting cocky as we haven’t won a thing yet (quite literally for years and years), but of course we are gonna celebrate. Why wouldn’t they? This is uncharted territory for many generations of fans. If you didn’t celebrate your world cups and euro wins more fool you. And yes, the German team is historically far better than the English that’s not up for debate.


    Not really sure what “2 WW and 1 World Cup” has to do with anything? That was a random comment. Said before in a previous post I didn’t like the singing of the German bombers song etc. That shit is totalling uncalled for and it’s a small group of mindless idiots which sadly you are unlikely to ever eradicate from the game. You get them in all sports stadiums.



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  6. In other news, UEFA is investigating the usage of Laser pointers by english Supporters, the Booing of the Danish National Anthem (really?) and usage of fireworks:



    The laser thing the guy (assumedly) should get a lifetime ban. Hate that shit. Someone next to him hopefully gave him a slap.


    The anthem thing I’ve made my opinion clear on before. Don’t really see the big issue tbh.



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  7. The thing is, the rule for VAR states that it can only change obvious mistakes - which of course opens it up to even more randomness - and despite this being a very weak call, Sterling certainly was touched, so it's just one of these things where the call on the field will stand, because there isn't enough evidence to overturn it.

    One of my criticisms of VAR is therefor that it makes some refs call everything they deem borderline, thinking VAR will correct their mistakes and then we get shit like this.


    Which is all fair, but, it’s interesting that nobody is commenting on the Denmark goal. Great free kick, but should never have been. Braithwaite elbowed Dolberg by accident and the ref thought it was Rice, gave a free kick incorrectly. This immediately led to another free kick where Christiansen dived (might have been Vestergaard), then they score. Nobody is complaining about this, but our dubious penalty is problem. Have to look at both. Ref gets the call right they never score their goal.



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  8. No, I literally have an idea and an opinion. You aren’t the only one that’s been around football your entire life. I’m a few years shy of 50 and been around the game since I was a child. You don’t have to take my opinion seriously but I deserve respect for it even if you disagree. I won’t lose sleep over it. We just different in opinions. It’s no big deal. Hand of god moments and all. England is far from the happy go lucky small country with aww shucks bad lucks and omens. Hell even if you want to talk about Beckham’s red card, it was an idiotic kick out from Becks in the first place. And look how horrible he was treated when he got back to his country after that. Go back even further to 1990 with the treatment of Bobby Robson even before the World Cup started. From pundits, supporters, to players. England’s worst enemy internationally has been England itself, not voodoo and prior bad karma in my opinion.



    And for the record,I want England to win amd I may dust off my Becks England jersey for the match. There are no bigger cheats to the beautiful game than the Italians in my mind.


    Yeah we disagree. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, I just think it’s wrong. We got cheated against Argentina (hand if god), we got cheated in ‘98 (never a red for Beckham in a million years, and Campbell scored a perfectly good goal in extra time disallowed), Rooney should never have been sent off against Portugal (Ronaldo even winked as he knows he’s a cheating fuck), we scored against Germany (Lampard, no goal, not that it would have changed the outcome though tbf). There’s a long list. All I’m simply saying is, the one time we get a dubious decision go our way, which was even double checked by VAR, people are crying foul! Get over it, we finally got a call and we’ll take it thanks after all those decisions in the past that have gone against us. Plenty of times we have sucked and deserved to lose, and other times we have been cheated, more than most IMO. I don’t feel bad for the Danes. Under this new stupid format they qualified having won one and lost two. That’s a joke in itself. But they made the most of their opportunity so fair play to them. Yesterday we were the better team by far, especially past the hour mark. When you play with attacking intent and try and win (unlike Italy) you are gonna get incidents like the penalty. I don’t think he dived but I do think it’s a weak call. But, as I said two refs looked at it and agreed.



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  9. Yeah, I mean I think we both know that’s 100% incorrect. We are both Rangers fans no? We have 54 years worth of feeling “cheated” at times. And in football we all have been at some point here and there. England is not some hard luck small country that has overcome so much lol. Let’s be realistic here. England’s problem has always been England in the past and they aren’t some hated evil country. Hell if anyone r in the final is hated around the world it’s Italy for all the crap they pull. Should be a good entertaining final. Hopefully the diving stops but I highly doubt it, especially with Italy out there.


    I deleted my response to this. I cannot take it seriously. You literally have no idea.

  10. But that list has zero to do with this game. I mean you can make a list like that for every team pretty much in the history of footie that has played in tons of major competitions. Today's bs pk had nothing to do with Simeone cheating the game decades ago.

    OH well

    Good luck in the final of course.


    Says a guy that has never been cheated in a tournament ever. List has nothing to do without, it’s Karma. I said it wasn’t a pen! The ref said it was a penalty, and so did VAR. That’s the sport people want then we’ll play by those rules. We are in the final, I don’t care what fans hate us!





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  11. Italy beat Spain in penalties (4-2) to advance to the final! Now just need England to win tomorrow to setup an awesome showdown at Wembley.


    Spain were the better team by far IMO. I’m glad Italy won though, if we can win tomorrow I want to be the team to break their unbeaten record and I think we match up better against them. But time will tell.



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  12. Men against boys with the Engerland game. Ukraine was never going to compete if they don't man mark on set pieces.


    Footballing masterclass. I mean it’s Ukraine, with respect, so I’m not gonna get carried away, but this is dominance I’ve never seen from us in a tournament since 4-1 against Holland in ‘96. Southgate deserves a ton of credit.

  13. So true. And for the record I hate VAR.


    Yeah I think I’m with you there. It ruins the flow and romance of the game. The only positive thing I have to say about it is it gives smaller clubs more hope and helps reduce cheating. For example, ‘smaller’ clubs would never get a call at Old Trafford but that doesn’t happen anymore. But far too many marginal calls IMO. Wouldn’t care if it went tbh.



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  14. Van der beek was a head scratcher move especially when he doesn’t get used. Maguire would be so much better if he weren’t paired with Lindleof but with the money they spent on him, he shouldn’t need specific pairings to be good.


    God I wish we could clone Keane lol


    Sadly the days of Keane and Vieira are gone. They wouldn’t last 5 seconds with VAR lol. I miss that rivalry in the late 90’s and 2000’s so much.



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  15. Yeah I’m. Oh sure I can agree with the anthem being an “American” thing at all. Just look at how w team like a Italy belted theirs out. Disagree whole heartedly.


    I’m not really trying to have a go at you specifically just for the record. While hooliganism of 1990 is done, it doesn’t mean it’s done and dusted totally in English supporters. There is still work to do but not just for England of course.



    But I will say this. If you guys are saying “go ahead boo our anthem we will settle it on the pitch” then you’ve been doing a lot wrong since 1966 or for Euros never, which many used to feel was the tip top for European footie.



    Sancho. Meh. I agree but United’s problems weren’t with attacking or goals. Greenwood featured more would have been fine. MaGuire is shite but stuck and needs a better compliment than Lindleof for fucks sake. Then Pogba can’t be a 6 since he cares far too little for the dirty work. We need our next Keane and the rest falls into place.


    I just don’t think the anthem thing is a big deal and people are making a mountain out of a molehill. In an ideal world would it happen, of course not. But they are focused on the wrong issues as per usual. We aren’t gonna agree on that one. I get the Italian comment, but my point being if England were to play Italy in Rome in the final in front of a packed house our anthem is getting booed 100%.


    Of course not, that we agree on. And don’t worry I know you aren’t attacking me/us, I’m genuinely interested in your opinion but appreciate the comment (and hopefully I haven’t offended anyone). By why does every other country with hooligans get a pass? That’s my issue I guess. We’re hated, why aren’t they? Especially as are hooliganism is so mild in comparison over the past 20 years.


    It’s not really about that at all, our players never settle anything on the pitch, as you rightly state our tournament record lol. It’s more we don’t take it so personally I guess. We simply aren’t bothered by a few boo bird. You boo ours, we boo yours louder. It’s fan rivalry, harmless fun of sorts in the stands. Of course there are lines and limits but I don’t feel we crossed one on that occasion personally.


    The last point I do agree on. Pogba sucks, especially in a Man Utd shirt. Maguire is poor outside this tournament since leaving Leicester. You need a centre back desperately, and a Keano. I like Rice or Phillips in that role for you and someone like Tarkowski as off season signings, although you likely need a better footballing centre back in this day and age considering City signed Dias. Varane would be huge if that pans out but not sure I see it. Sancho is better than what you have and an upgrade, so long as you address the other holes in the team. Same with signing Van De Beek. Good player, don’t need him. Poor management from above.



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  16. A few things.

    1. Yes the English deserve every bit of the rep they have with the hooliganism. Some of us are old enough to remember it. And also the super league was a horrible thing and supporters were right to express their displeasure but entering Old Trafford the way they did was unacceptable and I’m a United supporter for over 35 years.


    2. There is still plenty of racism in English football. Son dealt with it on Tottenham, Rashford and a few United players dealt with it as well, Dhanda dealt with some, etc.


    3. It’s disgusting to me when ANY fanbase boos another teams national anthem. I’m not saying it’s only disgusting when the English do it. I’m not even sure how that can be argued.


    4. I’m not even really sure where the “our domestic teams are better than theirs” idea is coming from. I can only give my own opinion, as a person that supports an English domestic team and it has nothing to do with how successful my club is over the last 25 years.


    Sorry for the delayed response:


    1. Hooliganism was a long time ago you know that right? Barely exists now, only perhaps in lower league rivalries (i.e. Millwall). Also, you realize plenty of other countries have hooligans to right? And what has the super a league got to do with it? If the fans didn’t do what they did people would have a Super League and be complaining about that. So it’s a good job they broke in. Don’t be bitter because it ruined the fixture schedule and cost you the Europa League (joke).


    Note: wasn’t sure if “some of us are old enough to remember it” was aimed at me or just stating a fact. You are older than me, granted, I’m late 30’s, but I’m English born and raised and lived through hooliganism (only moved to NA in my thirties). My local team Gillingham played Fulham and a guy got stabbed in the alleyway outside the stadium for example. I remember bananas being thrown at John Barnes and all the other shit to. We have plenty to be ashamed of but no more or less than many other nations.


    2. Of course there is, I said there was. What I’m saying is nobody hates the Italian fans, for example, despite the fact they are openly racist, far more than the English IMO, but because we boo one of our biggest rivals anthems we are a disgrace. No sorry that’s utter bullshit. Everyone has their priorities wrong.


    3. I feel this is an American thing. You guys take anthems way too seriously (and you are entitled to your opinion of course, no offence intended). If Ukraine boo our national anthem tomorrow I literally couldn’t care less. I don’t find it an a front to me, my country, or the Queen. In an ideal world would everyone be prim and proper and show respect, of course (see Rugby and Cricket, very gentlemanly). But never gonna happen anytime soon. Football is a lower class sport supported by many including the dregs of society. Players dive (see Italy today, and I’m not picking on Italy, honest), but people have given up calling that out. Someone cheating on the pitch is far worse than a few fans booing an anthem (and again I’m not naive, I include the likes of Grealish in this).


    4. I was merely stating perhaps a reason why we are hated as you say is because our teams are generally very successful in European competitions. Winning breeds jealousy. Was no different when it was the other way around. Perhaps people don’t like us because 2 of the last 3 champions league finals have been between English teams, for example. I don’t know, it’s you that are saying we are hated so you tell me.


    In short, I think booking the anthem is overblown. We boo’d an old rivals anthem in a huge game in our home stadium. It’s happened before, it will happen again, and it’s happened to us in years past. Not sure I see the big deal and the focus is on the wrong stuff here. Hungary fans get applauded for singing the anthem with the players after they drew with France, but let’s ignore the homophobic slurs they threw at players during games (Ronaldo and I think Mbappe), so much so that Wijnaldum threatened to walk off if it happened to him next game. Nobody comments about that, but a boo’d anthem!

    Oh my god a disgrace! Get outta here. We are hated because we had hooligans over 20 years ago despite the fact pretty much every large footballing nation has a hardcore hooligan fan base. Seems pretty weak to me. Always makes me laugh though because the English are so indifferent to other fans (aside from Germany and perhaps Argentina due to history). We care more about the product on the pitch and focus all our anger on their perennial underachievement lol.


    Anyway, at least you won’t hear the booing in Rome, and hopefully we don’t fuck it up again! Enjoy the rest of the tournament (spoiler, if we make the semi’s the Czech or Danish anthem is 100% getting boo’d, albeit perhaps not the extent of the Germany as there is no rivalry).


    And Sancho was a good signing [emoji106]

  17. Yeah, no. I don’t care if they boo Santa Claus and small children. Doesn’t make it less disgusting. There are a few very valid reason many hate English supporters and this is one of them. It is what it is though and I have some very close friends including my neighbor from the UK. I’m also a Manchester United supporter since 1985 when I was 10 and in Manchester so it’s not like I’m picking on the English. Just a horrible look.


    Disgusting is a bit excessive if you ask me. Brazil boo Argentina’s anthem and vice versa every time they play. The Scots, Welsh, Argentinians etc. boo ours. Don’t hear us whining about it.


    What makes me laugh is people have an issue with us booing the anthem but not singing ‘10 German bombers’ (which I do disagree with for the record, and it’s a small minority that do who are just fucking idiots to be fair, although not an excuse).


    I’m also intrigued as to why many hate the English supporters. I appreciate back in the 90’s that would be valid with hooliganism, but that has long since vanished and if anything we are targeted by opposition hooligans now (see Marseille, Rome, Istanbul etc). Most fans dislike us if anything because our domestic teams are simply better than theirs on a regular basis. Seems a bit rich to say people dislike the English fan base when the Italians and Eastern Europeans etc. are openly racist and/or homophobic on a regular basis at games. The English game has made huge strides in attempting to eliminate this behaviour in stadiums unlike other countries. It still goes on I’m not naive, but it leads to regular lifetime bans and fines etc. more often than not.


    I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.



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