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Posts posted by pws85nyr

  1. 1 minute ago, Keirik said:

    You don’t though. Trade deadline hasn’t passed. But the longer you “deal with it” the more points you potentially drop. Will be the difference in who our first round opponent is. 

     This has to be his last game. It just has to be. 

    I’m confused? I meant deal with it as in get him the fuck off this team any which way…deal with the problem, i.e. Georgiev being a liability

  2. 5 minutes ago, Phil said:


    They can't afford to. Not even because of the PR nightmare that would ensue, but because their next best RW is like... Dryden Hunt?


    They've got no choice with him but to continue to wait, and in the meantime, they need to make a trade.

    That’s what I’m saying, probably badly, they need to bring in reinforcements and take Kakko out of the limelight. We don’t have the organizational depth to replace from within. But admit it didn’t work and start to work around the problem via trade.

  3. Gotta love Wikipedia…


    “On 31 January 2019, Atl?tico announced the transfer of Royal to Barcelona, effective as of July 2019, for ?12.7 million.[9] The deal consisted of a joint financial operation between Barcelona and fellow La Liga side Real Betis, in which each club paid half of the transfer fee and retained a percentage of Emerson's economic rights. He was to become a Betis player in July 2019, with Barcelona holding the option of reacquiring him for ?6 million in 2021”


    There’s our answer chaps. Joint ownership with an option to buy. Italian clubs do A LOT of this, don’t really see it in the UK other than perhaps clubs with affiliates (i.e. Watford and Udinese/Grenada comes to mind, Man City and one of their empire etc.). I was mistaken.



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  4. Looks like some moves happening for fringe players. Daniel James to Leeds, Reiss Nelson to Feyenoord after the Amad Diallo deal collapsed due to injury. Ainsley Maitland-Niles pleading on instagram to be on a team that wants him signals the clusterfuck that is Arsenal right now, since he can outperform both Cedric and Chambers. Willian going to Corinthians thank the lord.


    Spurs strengthening RB by purchasing Emerson from Barcelona for 30mil euros, hopefully Barca can use some of that to purchase Bellerin. The Emerson one confuses me since Barca bought him on July 1st? Am I missing something aside from the fact they need to clear out salary badly? At a profit too because it cost them ~10mil euros to acquire him from Betis. Buyback clause?


    The Guardian said he was on loan at Betis from Barcelona, so maybe that is why. I believe sometimes loans can involve a fee even though they aren’t being purchased, but don’t really know the intricacies of how it all works to be honest.



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  5. Haaland is such a natural fit because of Ole and he fits United’s mentality, but I sometimes wonder if the Keane/ Haaland sr incident would make his son never want to play for us.


    Yeah that’s true, and his dad played for City. But that was a long time ago tbf, and it’s not like Keane is involved with United these days.



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