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Posts posted by pws85nyr

  1. Would you believe me if I told you my current FIFA21 manager career is of Blackburn Rovers, I got promoted into the PL in my 2nd season, and we're a solid midseason team? Adam Armstrong, Ben Brereton and Lewis Travis being the backbone of my team :D


    Without Armstrong and Brereton we have nothing to offer, other than maybe Dack. But fair play!!!



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  2. Lindgren-Fox





    Hajek? i think we're set with D.


    Yeah, I mean, personally I don’t see Tinirdi as an everyday 7th D, and Jones could do with regular minutes in the AHL. Hajek is hit and miss. I’m thinking a 7th RD in case Lundkvist struggles. Just my opinion but I do see your point. Perhaps Schneider and Robertson are closer than we think, fuck I hope so.



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  3. I’d rather nothing than make a bad signing. But I still have my eye on Ritchie. Also think we might need another D like Gudbrandson etc, and a C who can win face offs (although most have signed so slim pickings there). All subject to cost of course.



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  4. On a side note, I have Toronto FC season tickets just to get a bit of home out here, and went to my first game in like 18 months last week due to the pandemic. Was so good to get back and catch a live game and a few beers with my buddy (also a Gooner). Shame they suck and the beers are $18 but still lmao.



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  5. United with Sancho and Varane. I don't know if they're on City's level yet (especially depending on if City get Grealish/Kane) but they're looking really good this year.


    Arsenal signed...Ben White. Yay?


    Not there yet but certainly better. City just have much better depth, they essentially have two staring XI’s. Untied get an injury or two and they are much weaker. I would argue Chelsea and Liverpool will challenge more this year. Depends on injuries and Pogba really (same as previous seasons).


    I mean, Ben White is a decent signing, you needed a centre back badly and you aren’t in Europe so attracting the best is gonna be tough. I still think Arteta can work out but you need to get back to being a big club which you aren’t right now. Keeping Smith Rowe was big, that kid is really good. Build around him, Saka and Tierney. Interesting to see how the Anderlecht kid does to, great youth system out there and recommended by Kompany. I also think not playing meaningless games midweek in the Mickey Mouse Europa league will help.



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  6. I know! Pretty excited. Varane is the perfect move. He will make Maguire a better player especially after Harry came off a great Euro. Lindleof just wasn’t a good partner at all. I think the last move they need to do is figure out if Pogba really wants to be in Manchester. Last year of his deal and I’m tired of his lack of dedication and always rumors of him leaving. Also thry need to find a suitor for De Gea. You can’t have him and Henderson forever at their wages.


    Btw I forget. What club do you support?


    All valid points. Pogba is the most frustrating player in world football. Has all the tools to be Zidane and Vieira in one. Tbh I’d sell him given the opportunity and replace with somebody like Phillips at Leeds perhaps (off the top of my head). De Gea is likely gone as you can’t justify him on the bench with that salary, and Lindelof is average at best. United have a great 11 but too many players not good enough (James, Jones, Bailly, Lindelof, Fred etc).


    Sadly, I’m a Blackburn Rovers fan [emoji17] Yes, the only one. Gonna struggle this season, no money and not signed a player yet! Plus we are gonna lose our top scorer to an EPL team (Southampton or Watford).



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  7. Now THAT would be a very good move.


    Looks like you are getting your wish Keirik! Fee agreed subject to terms and a medical.


    Would be a great signing and really changes the outlook for the season if Ole can figure out his best team and formation. Makes U tied much better overnight, plus add Sancho into the mix.



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  8. I mean, nobody knows right, so you have to assume he was the best player available at that pick. Time will tell.


    The one thing I do like is he went to play in Europe. I get the impression this speeds up a kids development a little sometimes playing against men at a young age. Also, they tend to acclimatize quicker when/if they make it to the NHL.



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  9. Well written article.


    And I fear it could be written about most Nations in Europe, with some variations of course, at least I am under no illusion what would happen in Germany if a Turkish or Black player were to miss an important penalty. In fact ?zil has experienced a lot of it.


    Yeah good point. You don’t have to look far to see many nations are experiencing something similar, albeit varying degrees.



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  10. Thx for clarifying. It certainly looked like a post-game scrum. Why all of the kicking and beating before the game? Geezus people are dumb. "Animals without tails."


    Dumb is the right word. I get the impression it was people with tickets inside the stadium trying to fight back those breaking in without tickets. Luckily the police managed to sort it all out in time.



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  11. What I blame Southgate for is not using Grealish in a pk and putting Kane first of all places when your best guy goes 4th (not 5th because it may never get to him if it goes all wrong). Rashford is a no brainer to take a pk though. He has taken plenty of big penalties for United so no qualms with that. Sancho after never playing is insane. That’s a lot on a young man for his country in that spot. Sako is odd because you didn’t use Grealish first who has played many bigger games in his club career. Especially considering you subbed him in for extra time. Sako should be like the 7th guy or so. No Sterling either?


    I get your point but nobody knows man. Saka could have been 10/10 in training for all we know. Having Grealish shoot over Saka is no different IMO. Sterling has missed a bunch for City to, although I would have selected him. Is what it is.



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  12. Can't even fault Saka and Sancho - those were well taken penalties that Donnarumma did well to stop. Agreed on Rashford though - he tried to be too cute and it bit him in the ass. He won that battle - Donnarumma gave his move away. Don't try to be cute about that - slot it where he didn't intend to go.


    If you aren’t good enough to do that technique don’t do it. Nothing wrong with power and precision. Or just old fashioned down the middle. I will never ever understand this and it baffles me coaches don’t drill this into our players. Where is Matt Le Tessier when you need him.



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  13. What was Southgate thinking putting three kids up in 3-4-5 - two of which were brought on in the 120th minute! - when he had Sterling and Grealish and Shaw?


    I get it if you want Saka or Rashford or Sancho to take 1-2, but putting a 19 year old in the hero spot in a cup final is fucking nuts.


    It's worse yet that the three misses came from black players - the racism being spewed at them is....deeply disturbing.


    The last part is what concerns me.


    The other part. Who knows. He clearly made the subs to take penalties which is fine. I don’t doubt he asked them. And they had the balls. My only gripe is HOW Rashford took his penalty, you miss you miss, but take it properly. You save 2/5 you expect to win.


    Age has nothing to do with it necessarily. With penalties you are either confident or not and Southgate is going to ask who wants to shoot where. We just aren’t good enough at them. Complacency, cocky, nerves etc., it is what it is. I guess we have to chalk it up to experience as usual.


    But I fear for those boys for the racism and vitriol to come. What a sorry world we live in. I’m upset, but we lost and deservedly so. Just deal with it. I’ve had some beers, some whiskey, some food, and consoled with family and friends. Don’t go that route. But sadly this will fall on deaf ears (see Beckham and Southgate etc.).



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  14. “I think there are historic things that we should be proud of,” he said.


    “We’ve had unbelievable inventions in this country. We’ve had standards of decency, I suppose, that would be expected.”


    “At heart I go back to the values that my parents gave me and treating people as you would want to be treated. Just respectful, really.”


    “But also people have tried to invade us and we’ve had the courage to hold that back. You can’t hide that some of the energy in the stadium against Germany was because of that.”


    “I never mentioned that to the players but I know that’s part of what that story was. There is an intertwining of all those things, that generations of… respect for our elders and just values I think we should have.”


    “We have so many things here that we should be proud of that we probably underestimate that.”




    A bit more context (I’m sure I’ve posted this all wrong as I have no idea how to do it lol). Having read the article in full, it just seems a poor choice of words/examples from Southgate, and it’s very odd as it has nothing to do with football as you rightly say. Could have used far better examples (although this was not used with the players he said, not that it matters). His comment re the fans at the game probably aren’t wrong but that’s precisely the problem as we discussed. Why fans several generations later would care about this (in the context of sport) is beyond me.


    All in all probably his only slip up that I have seen, certainly recently, and a poor choice of examples and poorly worded. Not a great look from a non English perspective I agree (or any perspective really), and not going to endear you to neutrals.


    I love how we English always forget we have invaded half the world and caused irreparable damage…so stupid.



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  15. Yh, the children of the war generation are retirement age these days, their children are in their 40s and late 30s, it's already the next generation that is playing nowadays.

    It's just such a weird mindset to have and it comes just after we talked about people like that a few days ago.


    Oh I agree. And my grandad served in WW2. I love Germany, and all the Germans I have ever met have been awesome. This is utterly ridiculous.


    We aren’t all dick heads I promise!



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  16. Yeah just saw the article in full, seems legit. Don’t get that quote. I mean, it’s probably factually correct, but kind of ignorant to ignore the horrendous impact the commonwealth had around the world and colonialism. Just don’t know why you would say that. Back in 1966 I can understand that comment, to an extent, as it would have been their generation. But I bet you can count in one hand the people in the stadium who lived through WW2.



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  17. Speaking of Southgate:


    Hard to take him serious, I mean does he really think his 20-something players think about the War? Did he really use it to motivate them? Why not bitter defeats against Germany in the actual sport they are playing, there is enough of those to go around.

    But I guess he is trying to win over some people, who didn't like him so far.


    I must say that seems very unSouthgate like so I am a little sceptical. Is says associated press but do you know which one or have the full article? i.e. is it the Daily Mail being racist assholes again and taking a quote out of context in a manner that suits their agenda. Idk.


    That being said if it was said and meant, and in that context, it’s fucking idiotic as you rightly point out.



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  18. Some of my first memories were riding the bus with whatever team my dad was coaching at the time. My mom amd I would go on the bus for tournaments and playoffs. Those guys (kids) were my heroes. Also, getting in the sleigh, all bundled up, and Dad pulling me across town to the rink when the Junior C's had a matinee.


    I also had uncles doing all kinds of shit in hockey. Sometimes I'd get to go for road trips with them and hang out with the teams they coached. Lower level junior. So much fun.


    Really, as a kid in my family it was essentially hockey, hockey, hockey. That's all that really mattered. Dad played with a bunch of NHLers, and we'd get to hang out in the summer with guys like Pat Riggin, and Tony Mckegney.


    I started playing at age 5. Started as a forward, moved to goalie in Atom. I was certainly nothing special, but made my Junior debut as a 14 yo. That was fun. Couple junior flame outs, and I found myself back in minor hockey for last year of Midget. We combined programs with our bitter rivals (who we went to HS with) from the next town over. OMHA bumped us up a level, and it culminated in an unlikely run to the All Ontario Finals. That was the best couple months of my life. Our town had never won a Provincial Championship. It was like Friday Night Lights.

    Playing in front packed, like fucking rammed, barns, fan busses for road games, massive brawls in stands, in parking lots, etc. I'd walk around HS and Teachers would just high five me. I didn't go to class. They didn't care. Gobto Timmy's and you couldn't buy your own stuff. We lost in the final, but all the fun was in getting there, anyways. Our Semi Final win was an astounding upset, all on my back. I just remember people mobbing my dad in the stands as the final buzzer sounded, a 1-0, 40 save SO, and him just staring at me and smiling. I'll never forget it. Best moment of my life, and I have three kids.


    Anyways, after a few years of beer league, I coached the Pee Wee reps for a couple years, then left town to earn an income. That's when I got distant from tne game for a couple years, but then I had kids. My kid sucks, but he loves the game, and he can really skate so he doesn't look out of place. I'm proud of him.


    Now, I run player development for our local program. It's pretty easy lol.


    Just a great game, with great people. I was never good and still have a thousand amazing memories. My five closest friends are all from those teams. We haven't made new close friends in thirty years, but we don't care. Just a great group of guys.


    Thanks for allowing me to rant lol


    Cool stories [emoji106]



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