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Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr

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Everything posted by Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr

  1. I don't have large hands either, but I was still able to text with one hand and anything else I was able to use the double tap feature well enough that it wasn't an issue. I'm also planning an experimental kind of film using a steadicam and an anamorphic lens made by a company called moondog with the plus, and the fact that it has OIS makes it the logical choice.
  2. I just got back from getting breakfast and stopped at my local ATT store. Surprisingly, they still had 6's, but no 6 plus'. They did have a demo unit though, and yeah... It's perfect.
  3. I like it big. ;) No but seriously, the extra battery power plus OIS is a big enough deal for me that I'm willing to adjust to the size. Plus it'll make reading comics On the go actually enjoyable. Even on something like the s5 it's just too small, the smallest device I've seen it look good on was my buddy's Note 2.
  4. I don't like giving them my money and then waiting a month though. :/
  5. Lindsay when are the 6 plus' going to be restocked again? I want one but I was in no way going to stand in that line lol.
  6. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. Unless your fluid somehow completely leaked out I don't see how that would be possible. What were the circumstances surrounding the stall out? Is it auto or manual? EDIT: Check out the recall here: http://www.motortrend.com/cars/2007/honda/accord/recalls/?__federated=1 I would make sure that module was fixed before replacing your tranny, if you own one of those vehicles.
  7. I thought they knocked you out when they do bone marrow donations. I've heard it's supposed to be a very painful process.
  8. They actually had a team at Stanford do all the math for that joke too.
  9. The last episode is fantastic, like maybe the funniest thing hbo has produced since early Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  10. The 13" MacBook Air is like 899 right now. A lot cheaper than when I bought it last January lol.
  11. Apple. I recently made the switch and I am really happy I did. My MacBook Air does everything and averages 9 hours of battery. Love it.
  12. The only reason for a desktop anymore is if you need a workstation or you game. Otherwise laptops do everything an go with you too.
  13. Here's a fun fact: Click it or ticket checkpoints are also speed traps. I got stopped by two officers who came into the street today when myself and a couple other cars ahead and behind me were going over the speed limit. Didn't know there was any kind of trap, they used a setup that apparently is only really used in PA called ENRADD. For whatever reason it was a points-free violation, but yeah. Worst timing for me too. $178 dollars on a $60 fine. :(
  14. The scream really was awful. The whole thing was kind of over the top IMO. Not that I expected anything less, but still. Damn.
  15. Parsley, are you guys under a boiled water advisory or are you guys too far away from Norristown to get water from that plant? I had to wash myself with bottled water today... It sucked lol.
  16. Every speech and scene was just really well thought out and framed. I hated that it was a dick tease but it was a magnificent dick tease.
  17. Getting ready for my weekend trip and I have the Boomer and Carton show on in the background just to listen to something interesting. WOW does CBS Sports NY ruin this show. I get they can't get the commercials in but they literally show a minute, 5 minutes of commercials, 2 minutes of the show, 8 minutes of commercials. Very annoying.
  18. I don't think there really is any bad actresses on the show. I think she plays her role perfectly.
  19. I wasn't a big fan of it either. The guy just more or less comes off as a "meh" character, he doesn't have a very striking personality like Treme did.
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