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Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr

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Everything posted by Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr

  1. Don't know where else to post this, but this is a badass capture: http://totallycoolpix.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/15062011_soldier_in_afghanistan/afghanistan_021.jpg
  2. Not drinking ever again.... for a while. Painful day after St.Patrick's day, especially with work coming in to play. :disappointed:
  3. Not drinking ever again.... for a while. Painful day after St.Patrick's day, especially with work coming in to play. :disappointed:
  4. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l6yc23xtcY1qcahcq.png
  5. Johnny you can't prevent dreams, or at least can't take meds to do it. You can influence them though, google it. Dreams are creations of the mind to keep you occupied while your body repairs itself. They are essentially just strings of thought put together by your mind to last around 20 minutes a piece.
  6. http://cnnphotos.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/24/before-she-was-gaga-the-unseen-photos/ Lady GaGa, pre-GaGa. She was apparently once hot....
  7. We charge like a 1.00 more on average for Kosher at my store. I feel as though you have been misinformed.
  8. http://sadhillnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/dr-strangelove-strange-love-doctor-worrying-bomb-sad-hill-news.gif
  9. lol my uncles were dicks when we would play. Not dirty, but I definitely had bruises, too much stick checking... :rofl:
  10. You aren't allowed to play hockey anymore. Card revoked.
  11. Keep talking like that and you might find yourself getting cheap shotted if we ever play any shinny together. :rofl:
  12. 08 WS special on MLB network right now... man I forgot how awesome this felt. Every pitch... NEED baseball back.
  13. A loss that put us in 1st place, no yet. ;)
  14. A loss that put us in 1st place, no yet. ;)
  15. Parsley, PI and I are up at Zerns. Forgot how ghetto this place was/is. :rofl:
  16. I've always been an average student who just coasted and largely was the same way, except for subjects I enjoyed (history being the main example). Just got diagnosed over the winter with ADHD as well and just started medication. So far I haven't noticed too much of a difference, though I was also started on a low dose, but I have notice a small change in some way that's made class rooms way more bearable for me when I'm not necessarily interested in what we are doing.
  17. CSB isn't as nice as it sounds. You miss out on a lot of the advantages and opportunities that college communication majors get and you are really limiting your job market in the long run. It's always better to have a degree behind you, especially one like communications which is always growing as a field.
  18. Hey man, I went to catholic high school. College continuance rate @ that school was 98%. At my local public high school, it was under 30%. That place was a fucking joke.
  19. No doubt. But it's like a staple of childhood. You don't go there becaus the food is 5 star, you go there because something in your blood says you must.
  20. Currently sitting down at the Woodbridge (NJ) Denny's. Went to the hockey sports up here and wow, it's so damn awesome. I usually prefer to buy locally at pro shops, but none ever have my size. Guy there helped me out and I ended up getting some new flexlite 3.0's. They are seriously the first store I've been to that has EE sizes in 7.5 and 8. Honestly that was one of the most pleasan experiences I've had since I was little buying skates, can't wait to give these some ice time. Was pretty dead set on the reebok 6k's too so I'm glad I actually got to compare proper sizes in both and make a real decision instead of guessing. Yeah this is sort of a who plays hockey thing, but I figured Denny's tied it all together nicely. PI and I saw it and literally swerved 3 lanes to pull in, we don't have them around Philly anymore. :rofl:
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