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Everything posted by Fatfrancesa

  1. That’s fine. I don’t really think panarain or ek at this point with his injuries move the needle very much either. I don’t want any of them at the moment. 2020 maybe.
  2. Agree to disagree. No point going on about it. Hall is superior to panarin in my opinion and pieterangelo is a better fit with two good legs
  3. Rangers have plenty of vets who have been around and they can add plenty that don’t take 11m at 7 years. For some reason ufas signings is like going shopping with my kids. People act like they will be the last good players available. Next year there will be others and so forth forever. It’s just my opinion but they should build the foundation and spend big when they are ready and what’s needed becomes available. There are multiple problems with this situation. The rangers aren’t close to ready to contend. Ek has huge risk and doesn’t fit what they need. Panarin is a wing who has shown no ability to be the guy anywhere he’s been. The only reason to sign them is for a broadway buzz. To cause some excitement within the fan base and to justify ridiculous seat pricing. Sure justified reasons. They are the same reasons the rangers have used forever. It’s also never worked.
  4. This year also has Duchene, Pavelski, lee, and others. Next year Pieterangelo Hall Backstrom Both hall and pieterangelo would be better signings then panarin or ek. Not to mention the rangers would be further into the rebuilding process and would get more prime years out of them while hopefully being relevant.
  5. Of course ek is way better but the rangers already have ada, Shattenkirk, and pionk who are all basically play the same role. They are all deficient defenders while their supposed strength is offensive. I’m not sure the d needs another in that mold without ridding themselves of at least two of the others. Also adding ek also makes Shattenkirk completely useless as he would no longer be on the power play which is supposed only redeeming quality. So to me anyway ek has huge injury questions and mileage on him and on top of that he’s really not a great fit. They more need guys to stabilize their defense, that is not ek.
  6. Only thing worse would be signing a one legged defenseman who can’t stay on the ice to a max contract. This summer is a dangerous time. This summer could easily wash away another decade and 54 years starts to short
  7. Also panarin is a fantastic player. However he?s on a very solid team right now with a shit Ton more talent then the rangers will have next year or maybe even two years from now. What has that gotten Columbus? They traded away their future to try and grab an 8 seed? Why will him coming here make such a big difference that he has never proven to give his prior teams? It?s not a knock on him necessarily but without a good team around him he?s not going to move the needle that much. Connor McDavid can?t do it why will panarin? I?m not giving a max contract to a winger almost ever. Ovi years ago maybe Kucherov now that?s it. Gorton should pass. Smart gms would pass. Well run serious franchises would pass. Panarin as a max player is as bad as it gets
  8. And they’ve been linked to panarin and ek for almost a year before they hit ufa. This is a big summer for this franchise. Is it diferent this time or more of the same that leads to nowhere? This is not the summer to buy big ticket ufas. That’s guys aren’t the last big ufas to ever come around. Cap space is so crucial for this team once they get a strong nucleus of elcs in the lineup and producing. Maybe the following summer probably a year after that. Patience is key. Hopefully Gorton has more than most here.
  9. Not signing panarin would be appropriate for the window the rangers are in.
  10. So you advocate 7 year long term contracts? Would that somehow alter any decision regarding all in on Henrik?
  11. I like new hook as well and lavoie too. Turcotte or Zegras. The rangers will get a really good player, that’s for sure. As far as Hughes. I have a hard time comparing stats with all the leagues these guys come from being so drastically diferent. I thought he was on pace to out score Matthews and Kane at the us development team level? Is that wrong? Also as far as seeing him play at The wjc and a couple of other tournaments he clearly plays the game at another pace than his peers. To me he was two steps faster than anyone I saw. In that regard his speed was Mcdavid like. Size and injuries to me are realistic concerns. I don’t think he’s on Mcdavid a level but that is not a knock. I totally understand the hype when I watch his game. Eye test is obvious again imo. Stats and such I thought he was breaking records, I guess that’s wrong?
  12. Ottawa gets a 2nd brannstrom and Oscar lindberg for stone Philly gets Hartman and a fourth for Simmonds Florida gets a 3 for brassard We get a 1st and lemieux for Hayes. Looks like the rangers did pretty good in comparison
  13. Of course lemieux is going to have a larger role with the rangers. Does that really need to be said? Look at the rosters. Wionepeg is stacked.
  14. Why is it an awful return? What the hell are people expecting? This is the exact return that was expected, reported for weeks, and now obtained. Lemieux is a young nhl caliber player. He’s a bottom 6 forward that plays a game that this team lacks.
  15. Red. 50 years is nothing to a rangers fan. At this rate we?ll be waiting 50 years since our last one anyway. Why not restart the clock with a championship.
  16. Being that no one here ever had this guy as a possibility at 9 before we drafted him. I’m going to say nobody here knows the best way to develop him or can even say what he is or will be. Honestly who here has seen this kid play more than a game total at best?
  17. Oh Gordie Clarke was responsible for those picks. Trust away.
  18. No offense but no shit. I didn’t draft mcilrath either though. Never said he’s be there at 26 I said hoped he was and if not it wouldn’t ruin my night. Brooks says the rangers had him the second rated forward in the entire draft. Basically putting them on an island as the only team to think that. All great news if the rangers know something that nobody else does. A steal. Problem is in the past we’ve been left with jessiman and the like in all time great draft years. And I didn’t make those picks.
  19. I actually like this player and before the draft was hoping for him at 26. So with that said I like the player. What I don’t like is that the rangers always are one of the teams who go a little rogue when picking high. I wanted Dobson and would have been ok with wahlstrom too. I just feel like those guys have a better value league wide and Dobson to me was the 4th best player in the draft. The shock has worn off but the rangers for me don’t get the benefit of the doubt going off the board a bit. Their history is stock full of busts when they do this. Doesn’t mean anything about Kravtsov but this is a pick they cannot miss on. No I don’t trust glen or Gordie.
  20. All things pointed to Anaheim being in on him. I wanted him from day 1. Could bust but has potential to be a massive talent. Best of the three picks in my opinion
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