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New Years Resolution

Vodka Drunkenski

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That's the one thing you can actually change. You just have to do it, and stop talking about it.


Yeah, I know. It's always been the problem. Not sure how to eat right or change my eating habits. I've been saying I'm going to try to not eat a lot, but dinner comes and my parents make all this delicious food and then I just over-eat. First world problems. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, I know. It's always been the problem. Not sure how to eat right or change my eating habits. I've been saying I'm going to try to not eat a lot, but dinner comes and my parents make all this delicious food and then I just over-eat. First world problems. :rolleyes:


LOL. Well you got plenty of advice in the workout thread, so I'm not sure you can claim you're not sure how to eat right. YOu just have to try some different things and see what works for you.

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LOL. Well you got plenty of advice in the workout thread, so I'm not sure you can claim you're not sure how to eat right. YOu just have to try some different things and see what works for you.


No, I know lol. It's just my parents do most of the cooking, and my mom will NEVER EVER fucking make what I tell her to make.

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I've got 3 Resolutions.


1 - Keep losing weight. I want to be down 100+ total by June and I've been bouncing between a loss of 60-65 for like a month now, which to be honest, after Christmas is a fucking miracle. I'll prob hit -70 by Jan 20 if things go well (and they will, because I'm in control of it and willpower is back after the holidays)

2 - I want to find a time balance more suited to my life. I have passions I don't explore due to lack of time and I'm setting a goal to pick up a new "hobby" every 3 months. I'm starting with learning to play the guitar I bought and learned some rudimentary stuff on a few years back.

3 - I want to work on being a more self-confident individual. I'm pretty good at braggadocio and decently confident in my convictions, but I want to apply that harder to me as a person.

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True, I guess I can always stack up for the week.


I slum the local circulars for good deals on meat and stock up. 1.99/lb chicken, less on tilapia, and occasionally I pop into Stop n Shop for 2.99/lb steaks. Stop n Shop does the "we'll give you a discount to get this meat out of our stores" thing - but thing is that meat lasts MONTHS when frozen. I got 4 steaks for 12 bucks like that a few weeks back and it's such a nice treat for me to have a steak once a week.


Veggies are super easy as well - just buy frozen broccoli/cauliflower. 10/$10 on sale at Stop n Shop or most other retailers (otherwise, they're usually 4/$5, which isn't bad anyway). Onions - buy those fresh, they're easy enough and really versatile. Ketchup, hot sauce, chili sauces, etc - anything that's under 30cal/2tsp is just fine here. Mix and match as you will, but avoid starchy veggies like potatoes, corn and peas (which are deceptive little shits). Asparagus is AWESOME, but also gets decently pricey if you eat it all the time.


For flavor - buy some spices. I'm a huge fan of cumin, cinnamon, Adobo (which has salt/pepper/garlic powder/turmeric), cayenne, chili powder and Italian Seasoning. They vary up the flavors beautifully and offer almost zero caloric addition.


To give you an idea of what a day looks like for me:


Breakfast - 1/2 cup multigrain oats, pinch of brown sugar, dash of cinnamon, around 20 raisins. Cooked with water.

Throughout morning - Coffee. I'm a caffeine addict, so I needs my coffee. I generally put in a pinch of sugar and 1/2 tbsp nondairy creamer, so each mugful works out to around 25 calories.

Snack - Apple, Orange, Grapes - basically whatever fruit I have around

Lunch - 2/3 eggs w/onion and peppers

Throughout remainder of day - WATER. I drink around a gallon of water a day and that may be a conservative estimate.

Snack - Whatever fruit is around

Dinner - 1-2 chicken breasts, baked (depending on hunger level/whether I worked out)/1 steak/2 tilapia filets (either of those two would be pan-seared) + steamed veggies

Snack - again, fruit


Occasionally, I'll swap a snack for a treat, like a cup of ice cream or a handful of chocolate covered espresso beans (my two greatest weaknesses mushed into one delectable treat), just to keep things variable and keep myself sane and realistic - I love these things and weight loss is a lifestyle change, not a yo-yo. I need to successfully integrate things I won't be giving up.


If I know for a fact I'm going to be eating out for dinner, I change it up just a bit by cutting out the oats in the morning and replacing it with the egg meal. Eggs keep you nice and full - and I can supplement with small snacks like fruit throughout the day. Ergo, I don't go over my caloric limit.


Lastly, exercise! Seriously - get your ass to the gym 4 times a week minimum and do at least 30 mins of weight training and 30 mins of cardio. It's only going to carve 90 mins out of your day, max (pending commute) and you're going to hurt like a bitch for a week but feel so damn good every time. If you like, PM me your phone # and I'll hold you accountable to that one (so long as you do the same for me)

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Forget the frozen shit. Use fresh veggies.


I use frozen for 2 reasons -


1. Price. I can eat an entire tree of broccoli in 3 meals, max, or an entire bag in 3 meals, max. One costs thrice as much. I fucking love broccoli, dude.

2. I don't need to worry about spoilage. It's ALWAYS there for me.


If you wanna use fresh, do it. No reason not to if you can afford it. At the rate I go through veggies, I'd be paying almost $625 more a year on broccoli alone, let alone asparagus.

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