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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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All these stories you hear about are exactly why I am always prepared for situations like this. It's why I'm glad to be made fun of, called crazy, stupid, excessive, etc.


Yes, maybe I am, but I'd rather be safe than sorry, and I'd rather be able to survive things like this than have to call for help and risk others' lives to save my own because my pride got in the way in the first place.

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Whoohoo! That awesome feeling of having a new official countdown to seeing Grace again.


Flying D?sseldorf > Amsterdam > JFK > Philadelphia on Monday Dec. 17th and flying back Dec. 31st Philadelphia > Detroit > Paris > D?sseldorf. Usually I'd refuse to do the double lay-overs, but they are easy in terms of time and the roundtrip is just $600, which is a steel for the holiday season. I am going to be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean during New Year's Eve, which is fine, because that took $200 of the price and it's an overrated holiday for many reasons for me.


Anyway, happy to be back in America for two weeks soon enough! :)

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So fun story time.


A buddy from work asks me yesterday while we are on our lunch if I wanted to try and get tickets to the Sixers season opener last night. We are both big basketball guys so I was totally down. We found 4 tickets ten rows off the floor for $200 posted on CL from a season ticket holder who couldn't go. My buddy jumped on them, met the guy at the stadium, paid him and we were set. My buddy's roommate who also worked at our store for a while went, as well as a current coworker. Both awesome dudes. So we get in, get through the first quarter and a half and then we have an usher come up to us, ask to see our tickets. Long story short, tickets were photoshopped $10 upper level seats and we had to leave the building, with the options of purchasing tickets at the box office and coming back in. We said screw it and tried a scalper, who had legit tickets in dick seats. Got 4 for $39 bucks, but two of them weren't even near each other and the other two were center court in the 200 level. My buddy and I got the shit seats. After 5 minutes he texted me and was just like "this sucks, bar?" I was down so we headed down stairs the concourse and were walking there when all of a sudden this dude in a Clark Kent get-up yells "How'd you two get in?" We look at each other, assuming it was the other's friend or something, and he starts cursing us out telling us we have to leave and he's part of the security team. Now I've heard of undercover security plants in stadiums and what not, but I've never heard of someone being a complete dickoff like this guy. We tell him we were told we could purchase tickets and come back in. He tells us bullshit and says we have no right to be there and if we didn't leave, he'd have us arrested. My buddy at this point is livid, as was I really, but I kind of knew we were in a boned situation. He's about to flip so I step in and tell the guy look, call the girl who escorted us out, we were told we could come back. He still is being a dick and acting like a tough guy juicer type the whole time (pale and fucking full of shit btw). His backup halfway through bolted after he started being a dick to us and when the lady came over she pretty much just turned a blind eye to it but said we had good tickets and could be there. At this point we texted our friends and were like are you guys even having fun at this point and they were kind of like ehhh, so we bailed and hit up a bar in Manayunk, which is sort of like the hip area just outside the city I guess and right by where they live/I used to live.


Has anything like that happened to anyone and if so, should I even bother trying to do anything? I mean I can accept when I get scammed and take it like a man, I was only out $50 so it was whatever, but the guy pretty much ruined the whole night for us, minus the bar afterwords which at least made up for it a little bit. I am still mad about it, especially since he was legit about to call the on-site police over pretty much nothing. The worst part is as he's bailing he goes "these guys still shouldn't be here, they had attitude and the tall one (my buddy) was cursing me out" even though he didn't and we had no attitude other than being completely confused by what happened.


The seats were legit amazing though lol. Best quarter or so of basketball I've ever experienced.

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No, nothing significant. Wish we had a generator right about now though.


I'm glad to hear that. We finally got our power back last night. I hope you do too.


Went to the Colosseum today. Probably the coolest place ive ever been to. Had chills the entire time.




So damn jealous. Any more pics :D?


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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I'm glad to hear that. We finally got our power back last night. I hope you do too.


So damn jealous. Any more pics :D?


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Yeah I have a good amount. I took a boatload of the vatican today. Ill post more when I get home to my computer

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