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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Hey man, it's a blessing for sure. My wife and I (I guess) got very lucky. We decided on Valentines Day to start trying rather than wait until July like my wife wanted to. Had to wait 24 hours for BC to wear off. She was pregnant the next day. Reason why we decided that though was because the baby would be born around Thanksgiving and my wife (as a teacher) would have all of the rest of those holidays off with her.


Sounds like your boys are swimmin'!

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I still believe Infiniti's are bad luck..


But then again so many idiots drive those cars (no offense Linds, not a generalization obviously)


lol why bad luck?


And yeah a TON of idiots drive them in NYC...its a fast car at a fairly decent price, especially if you get an older one which still had 300hp. It's just asking for morons to drive them. I actually read something once online where people voted for the "douchiest" car....the G35 coupe won :rofl:


I don't mind it though...I love my car. And the 37 even more lol.

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I'm guessing "bad luck" just means lots of morons trying to speed with them and causing more accidents. I've witnessed a few Infiniti accidents (them being the cause) and most seemed like douchebags.


it's definitely a nice car though :) I'd love to buy one in dark blue


Not trying, they do speed, recklessly. I speed too but I don't drive like the guys you're talking about. I have two friends in NY that have Infinitis, one a G37 coupe and the other has a new M37. Neither of them drive like idiots. But I do see others in Infinitis doing it a lot...I'll be on the Belt or the Southern State and they'll see my car and that it's tinted etc and try to mess with me and get them to drive the same way. Not biting, Ive seen too many bad accidents on those highways. A lot of owners are stupid guido kids too haha.


I wanted black or white...went with the white :D

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Lol, like my girlfriend's brother (he owns an infiniti)


They're so embarrassing. My friends up there poke fun at me because I'm (mostly) Italian and I drive one lol. I even have an Italian horn in my car haha....but it was given to me by my late grandmother when was 16 and got my first car, it actually has meaning for me :p

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