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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I did that recently. IMO there are some substantial clues to what the island is about very early on. IIRC theres a cork reference in one of Locke's flashbacks in "Walkabout"



Exactly why I'm reading it online, to find out all these clues, write them down and then go back and revisit them at the certain time.


It was almost torture to watch all these episodes and very time-consuming, so I doubt I'm ever going to go back.


To be honest, I loved the show so much I might order the Lostpedia filled with many images and biography about the characters.

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Last night was the coldest night in 27 years in The Netherlands, or: it has not been this cold in my country in my lifetime. It was -10*F degrees, yes, minus ten fahrenheit. I've only seen and felt it colder in Wisconsin, where one night because of wind the estimated "feels like temperature" was -30*F and actual was -15*F. I mean, as a fan of weather like this, it's awesome and the view from my apartment is as gorgeous as it's ever been, but... wow. It's damn cold.




I wish it wasn't so extremely cold, because walking outside is just too painful right now. Thankfully I live on campus and the supermarket is 2 minutes away. (Oh, and my apartment is one of the lucky few overlooking nature instead of concrete, whoohoo.)

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Twitter kills mad celebrities now a days. lol just yesterday they killed Actor Eddie Murphy and rappers Joe Budden and Drake. The other day was Adele. Mad stupid.


I was so confused by your post at first. Took me a while to realize that you meant there were rumors being spread regarding celebrities dying.

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lol..yeah,thanks to the pain pills Lortab

I don't wish this injury on anyone,seems kinda minor but man having your whole nail be gone is rough,so raw under there and it could easily get infected,then they had to cut off excess skin..ouchh


Kind of getting chills from that. That isn't enjoyable at all. Hope you're alright though, shit like that has to suck.

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