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Kakko 'Feels Like a Real Candidate to Go'

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Kaapo Kakko, who is set to become a restricted free agent, feels like a real candidate to go after posting only 19 points (13 goals and six assists) in 61 games this season and being healthy scratched in Game 2 of the ECF.



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I’ve tried being patient with him. But you can’t justify giving him another crack in the Top-6 because he has never looked good or produced there. Sure, defensively he can play. But more was/is expected. If this is the end of the road, so be it. I still see him filling a role on this team, but in the form of a Bottom-6 guy, and I think he is going to want more. And that’s fine, but given our state, I just don’t see how you can justify inserting him there at this point.

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The way I see it, this boils down to whether or not you think Berard or Othmann are ready to step into a third-line role next year to change up the look/style. If not, you probably aren't getting a player of Kakko's caliber — slow, but defensively responsible, who can give you around 40 points at ES — for less than the roughly $2.4 million you can expect him to sign for.


Personally, I'd pull the plug and just give Berard/Othmann the runway to make the team, but I also gave up on Kakko a long time ago.

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Posted (edited)

He doesn't get much in return and as soon as you get rid of him, you have a hole to fill. And then you're looking for a defensively-responsible, cheap forward...a la Kappo Kakko. 

His draft position sucks, but his next contract is gonna be cheap and he's gonna be in the bottom-6 here (and likely anywhere else), so why get rid of him?


Edit - just read phil's post. I always forget about making room for new kids. 



Edited by phillyb
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Cheap, solid defensive 3rd liner with some upside scoring potential.  We basically drafted a a 3rd line player at #2 overall.


I'm just changing my expectations with him, that's all.  If we trade this kid, you all know what's gonna happen, so why go down JT Miller Avenue again? 

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Just now, phillyb said:

He doesn't get much in return and as soon as you get rid of him, you have a hole to fill. And then you're looking for a defensively-responsible, cheap forward...a la Kappo Kakko. 

His draft position sucks, but his next contract is gonna be cheap and he's gonna be in the bottom-6 here (and likely anywhere else), so why get rid of him?


I mostly agree, but I don't know that I follow your logic completely because it depends on what they want out of that role. If the goal is a defensively responsible forward with limited offense, then yes, just keep Kakko. If the goal is to change the dynamic, then a world of opportunities opens. What's the focus? Size? Speed? It all depends on what they envision out of the role. Kakko fills a specific one. He gives you nothing beyond that.

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1 minute ago, Ozzy said:

Cheap, solid defensive 3rd liner with some upside scoring potential.  We basically drafted a a 3rd line player at #2 overall.


I'm just changing my expectations with him, that's all.  If we trade this kid, you all know what's gonna happen, so why go down JT Miller Avenue again? 


Limited scoring potential. Not upside. Upside is reserved for players who show real flashes of talent, like Lafreniere did. Kakko never has. His highlight reel is one sequence long.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Phil said:


Limited scoring potential. Not upside. Upside is reserved for players who show real flashes of talent, like Lafreniere did. Kakko never has. His highlight reel is one sequence long.


True, Phil...and I'll echo Philly's comment in making room for new guys.  I just hate to give up on players like this.  Laffy made us eat shit this season and thank god!  We did see some flashes with Kakko last season, but this year was a shitty one with the injury and all.


I think he gets one more chance with a "Show me" deal.  After next season, if there's no heartbeat, I'd say adios.  Again it's like you said, "what we're looking for".


I just don't see us getting anything of value in return for him, but I've seen worse trades.  Maybe use him as a sweetener to unload Trouba??  ...but that's for another thread! 😉

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12 minutes ago, Ozzy said:


True, Phil...and I'll echo Philly's comment in making room for new guys.  I just hate to give up on players like this.  Laffy made us eat shit this season and thank god!  We did see some flashes with Kakko last season, but this year was a shitty one with the injury and all.


I think he gets one more chance with a "Show me" deal.  After next season, if there's no heartbeat, I'd say adios.  Again it's like you said, "what we're looking for".


I just don't see us getting anything of value in return for him, but I've seen worse trades.  Maybe use him as a sweetener to unload Trouba??  ...but that's for another thread! 😉


I get that. Laf made us eat shit, but he also showed way more flashes of why he was taken where he was taken than Kakko ever has. These two players don't feel like peers to me.

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Ide think hed want to try his luck elsewhere...like on a rebuilding team where he has a better chance to crack a too 6 role.


Otherwise ide stay open to resigning for cheap...cause u hate to see this kid eventually figure it out somewhere else


Then again maybe u add kakko as a throw in for someone to take trouba  off our hands

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Keep Kappo or give that money spread out to Schneider and Lindy??  Is it even a decision??


Bring up Othman and watch what an actual first rounder is and watch Kappo turn into a slightly better version than Lias Anderson someplace else.  Letting him go is one of the easiest decisions the front office should have!

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Kakko was 2OA so the Rangers have always lived with a high opportunity cost in his case.  It looks a lot like we have enough talent trying to break through at Hartford that the high opportunity cost of Kakko is now burdensome.

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I'd keep him. We have holes at RW already, his cost doesn't hurt us, he's a solid 3rd line option. I'm not of the opinion that he has much upside offensively anymore, but I do think he's a serviceable shut down/possession guy, so I could see him slotting in well with a true grinding 3rd line (though not necessarily with Chyts, which is an entire other discussion) and maybe notching a few more points in the season. Even putting in some PK work. I just don't see a real return for him right now, would rather hang on to him and work with what you know for next season.

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The Rangers have to pick a lane first.


Win now: dump Kakko, get tougher

Prioritize future: give Kakko some more time, see if signs of top 6 can surface.


I’m the 2nd lane. Anyone under 25 gets more leash to show if they deserve to be part of the future, even Kakko. Winning now takes a backseat.

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10 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:

The Rangers have to pick a lane first.


Win now: dump Kakko, get tougher

Prioritize future: give Kakko some more time, see if signs of top 6 can surface.


I’m the 2nd lane. Anyone under 25 gets more leash to show if they deserve to be part of the future, even Kakko. Winning now takes a backseat.


Third lane: give Othmann/Berard a spot to lose. Heye younger, faster, cheaper. Attack the middle of the ice more often.

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8 minutes ago, Phil said:


Third lane: give Othmann/Berard a spot to lose. Heye younger, faster, cheaper. Attack the middle of the ice more often.

Yes, this would also be part of prioritize future for me. I would just open up the spot another way.

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