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Cruisin': First Time in a Long Time


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Haven’t been on a cruise in a long time. Next summer, my parents are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary, and my wife and I are looking to take them on a nice trip. My old man is not a fan of flying, and has a minor heart condition and any extra anxiety is not something I’m looking to add. My mother has talked about a cruise for years, specifically to my wife, so we’re looking this route for now.


I have been looking at Norwegian, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, etc. Everyone seems to be saying Norwegian is the route to go. We found a nice one for next July, good price with everything included like drinking package and a few nights of premium dining and all the bells and whistles.


Anyone have any recommendations? The one we’re looking at I believe travels to Bermuda. Again, haven’t done a cruise in awhile. My wife and I primarily just do all-inclusive resorts down in the Caribbean when we get away, so any cruise advice would be welcomed!

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Stay away from Carnival.  Royal and Norwegian are pretty good, but they nickel and dime you for everything, however if you get some perks like the drink package and premium dining than thats a good thing.  Celebrity cruise line is also pretty good, pretty sure they aim for a older clientele such as your parents.  

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5 minutes ago, Blue Heaven said:

Stay away from Carnival.  Royal and Norwegian are pretty good, but they nickel and dime you for everything, however if you get some perks like the drink package and premium dining than thats a good thing.  Celebrity cruise line is also pretty good, pretty sure they aim for a older clientele such as your parents.  

Very cool! Yeah I’ll check Celebrity out too.


We’ll be having others go, I’m sure. Few cousins, few friends of the family, etc. We’re all in our mid-30s or older, so just looking to drink, have fun, be merry and enjoy ourselves. Wide range of ages but all same objectives, haha.

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38 minutes ago, Blue Heaven said:

Stay away from Carnival.  Royal and Norwegian are pretty good, but they nickel and dime you for everything, however if you get some perks like the drink package and premium dining than thats a good thing.  Celebrity cruise line is also pretty good, pretty sure they aim for a older clientele such as your parents.  

100% agree. Carnival is for a first cruise mid 20s type thing.  

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8 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

I dont car e what anyone says about them but I absolutely love cruises, such a phenomenal bang for your buck. Always have had great experiences on Royal Caribbean

I love cruises, but it's definitely not bang for your buck haha. 

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Did my first cruise 4 years ago. Did Norwegian, ship was the breakaway, went to Bermuda. 


Don't cheap out. Get a good room. Do not get a room that doesn't have a balcony. If you can swing it get a luxury suite.   


I went with family. Got talked into going actually... Aunt set it all up and kinda screwed me over. Shared a room with my cousin in the inner core of the ship. Was told I had all inclusive drinking package, but didn't. Had to set it up on the ship. It was annoying. Fun fact, if you are in a cabin/ room with someone else, they MUST also buy the all inclusive alcohol package, otherwise you can't get it (they know you'll be sharing it). My asshole cousin was poor, so I wound up getting it for him. The convenience of having it was well worth it. You do have to figure out which bartenders are good at making certain drinks. I drank A LOT!


According to everyone who went,  it was the roughest cruise they had ever been on. I felt every bump and sway. Was sea sick and alcohol sick throughout.  This was mostly due to where the room/cabin was. But family who are cruise vets were not feeling it either. Shit was rough. 


The all inclusive alcohol is an absolute must as is the premium dining. Some of those restaurants were pretty awesome. Casino is pretty cool. Duty free shops weren't anything great. 


Besides shitting and puking  all day and night, I found my experience kinda crappy.


Too many kids in all the pools. Kids equal piss. So, I skipped all that. The typical cruise people are inconsiderate, rude assholes. Cutting lines, leaving garbage everywhere and they don't believe in personal space.  


Bermuda was kinda meh.. The beach was tiny and I expected a little more extravagance. Some nice restaurants there though.


I dunno. Felt like it was just a big giant mall with the best food court ever..... on a boat. 


I probably would have enjoyed it more if I was such a sea sick bitch.


Everyone says that you really should spend top dollar and get a suite though. If I ever do it again,  that's what I'll do.  

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I went on a cruise about 10 years ago. Royal Caribbean. It was a blast, but it was also my first time to the Caribbean so it was an all new experience. They used to be cheaper...


My wife and I later went to Jamaica at an all inclusive and much preferred that experience. We haven't been back in many years though. Our last expensive vacation was a few years ago to Hawaii. Did an airbnb. That trip trumped anything we'd ever done easily.


I'd go on a cruise again, but probably only with my kids when they are grown or to Alaska (I've heard they are amazing cruises).

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9 hours ago, rmc51 said:

I went on a cruise about 10 years ago. Royal Caribbean. It was a blast, but it was also my first time to the Caribbean so it was an all new experience. They used to be cheaper...


My wife and I later went to Jamaica at an all inclusive and much preferred that experience. We haven't been back in many years though. Our last expensive vacation was a few years ago to Hawaii. Did an airbnb. That trip trumped anything we'd ever done easily.


I'd go on a cruise again, but probably only with my kids when they are grown or to Alaska (I've heard they are amazing cruises).

The only cruise I've taken was Alaska. It's amazing. Do it while you can, the glaciers are disappearing rapidly. Even when I went 5 years ago, you could see more rock beneath the ice than ever before. 


Cruises are just like all inclusives, IMO. You're just getting the benefit of different scenery by going port to port. 

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5 hours ago, Pete said:

The only cruise I've taken was Alaska. It's amazing. Do it while you can, the glaciers are disappearing rapidly. Even when I went 5 years ago, you could see more rock beneath the ice than ever before. 


Cruises are just like all inclusives, IMO. You're just getting the benefit of different scenery by going port to port. 

Wierd how mother nature rights the ship on her own....I forsee an ice age on the horizon......


I've never cruised but the idea of it with kids seems like a no brainer. Id love to do the Mediterranean cruise one day but will prolly go to the carribean first.

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