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Mustard on Burgers!?


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A little mustard on a burger is good, not a lot. McDonalds does it and they feed billions worldwide every day.



All fast food places outside of the North East do it, and I always forget when I’m down south to ask for no mustard on my burger, it’s a pain in the ass.

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All fast food places outside of the North East do it, and I always forget when I’m down south to ask for no mustard on my burger, it’s a pain in the ass.


Things like this are why I order my food in high description.


A simple bacon, egg, and cheese, for example isn't "bacon, egg, and cheese," it's "bacon, egg, and cheese. Salt and pepper. NO KETCHUP."


Or I explicitly ask, like at a steak house. Is your rare warm pink or cold purple? If it's the latter, I'll take it medium-rare.

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The same thing that's wrong with mustard on a hamburger. It doesn't belong.


The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council disapprove. The fact such a council exists is reason enough to take them at their word.

You've been so wrong about so much over the years, it's hard to tell where this ranks.
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McDonalds is no standard-bearer for what makes a good burger. They're more like the floor for what constitutes food.


Hey, I'm just saying.


I'd like to hear what all of the mustard haters put on their burgers. I'd also like to know if we are talking about it as a single condiment on the burger (pass) or if it's in combination with other condiments (yes please).

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Hey, I'm just saying.


I'd like to hear what all of the mustard haters put on their burgers. I'd also like to know if we are talking about it as a single condiment on the burger (pass) or if it's in combination with other condiments (yes please).



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Let's expand it from condiments to toppings, because I just envisioned a beef patty with just ketchup and threw up a little.


I'll take mayo, ketchup, lettuce, cheese, and a bit of mustard. Condiment ratios are probably 3:2:1 ketchup:mayo:mustard.


Top to bottom: dash of ketchup, a slice of raw red onion (white will suffice), tomato, lettuce, cheddar, burger.

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IMO Ketchup is disgusting (except maybe on top of meatloaf), I usually substitute in steak sauce. I only like Mayo on BLT, tuna fish salad, chicken salad. I substitute mustard in most of the time for meats - hotdogs, hamburgers, pastrami. Its got a nice spicy tang, which is why I like steak sauce better than ketchup.
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Mustard is a minimal calorie, flavor inducing condiment which as opposed to the sweet flavor of ketchup provides a more savory taste.


Horseradish mustard for the win on burgers, hot dogs and eggs. Yellow mustard is ok too but I will mix that with ketchup.

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A little mustard on a burger is delicious. Mayo spread on the buns, cheese on the burger itself, pickles/lettuce/onions on top of the cheese, a spiral of ketchup on that with a little zigzag of mustard as well. I don't usually add the mustard unless there is a lack of other toppings but it doesn't bother me if its on there.
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IMO Ketchup is disgusting (except maybe on top of meatloaf), I usually substitute in steak sauce. I only like Mayo on BLT, tuna fish salad, chicken salad. I substitute mustard in most of the time for meats - hotdogs, hamburgers, pastrami. Its got a nice spicy tang, which is why I like steak sauce better than ketchup.

How can you like ketchup on meatloaf but not a burger? It's the same meat just a different shape lol

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