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What Current Player Do You Secretly Love?


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I'd say mine is Tom Wilson, but that's no secret.


Same. My alternate is Patrice Bergeron. Incredible player.

I also have a bit of forbidden man-love for Sean Couturier *runs*


Barzal -


Not really secrets...

The New Jersey Taylor Halls provided some 'holy shit' exciting offense every game.

Nate Mac kinda dominated each game in a different way, but just as fun to watch.

Mark Schiefele - how we'd love him if he was a Ranger

Agree re: McDavid. I can NEVER like Taylor Hall because of something he said to one of my friends (female) when we ran in to him at a bar in Hoboken. I won't post it because, though any claim for defamation is defeated by the statement being true, I can't prove it other than witnessing it. And written slander = libel. Suffice to say something deeply inappropriate and highly offensive was said to a girl who was just excited to see him (she's a Devils fan).
I know this is supposed to be about current players, but I can't address the subject of secretly loving a player without mentioning BOBBY ORR. You can't imagine how loathed he was, keeping us from winning the cup and instead delivering it twice to a team we hated even more than the Islanders dynasty era team. And you had to secretly love him. The fact that he was and is a tremendously decent man didn't help.


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