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McKenzie: Expect Jack Johnson to Get $6 Million, Give or Take, Per Year


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Seeing this and other contract expectations... it's a stress relief "knowing" (?) we aren't going after much on the FA market, staying away from contracts, etc. It's always this type of rumor/signing that grinds my gears.
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I think he can still play. Agree with thirtyONE, I don't watch many Jackets games but he's not as god awful bad as someone like Smith was.


Lots of people forming opinions based on "metrics" alone. Won't go down that road.

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"Can still play" is a long way from "is good" and "worth $6 million."


He's gone from 40 points four seasons ago to 14 (in 60 games), to 23, to 11 (in 77) last season. I don't even need corsi for percentage to know he's not a $6 million player, or anything close to it.



Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

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"Can still play" is a long way from "is good" and "worth $6 million."


He's gone from 40 points four seasons ago to 14 (in 60 games), to 23, to 11 (in 77) last season. I don't even need corsi for percentage to know he's not a $6 million player, or anything close to it.



Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk


Right. Which is why I didn't mention anything about his salary.

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