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[RS] (#43) Rangers vs. New York Islanders // Greiss is Terrible

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I agree. I like Zuc as a player and his size makes him a scrappy player but ultimately this team will not win a cup with our leading scorer finishing the year with 59-61 total points. I don't get why Gortin does not see they need for an impact player from the offense side. Shatty was not the guy just trying to shore up the D and for the money he has been average. The obvious is there is turbulence in the club house whether it is Av vs Players, Players vs Players or both. No "team" unity, No "team" desire = average team


I wonder if they really are banking on Tavares.

Also, I think he might have struck out with Joe Thornton over the summer. There were rumors...

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This Rangers team makes it far to easy for the opposition (not just the Isles) to skate out of their own end of the ice. Said it before, they go through funks where they are biggest bunch of pussies, and allow anyone and everyone to push them around. Is it an AV thing? Don't worry about being physical, just try skate past everyone. Can stick check though. I might be rating them a little high when I say they are mediocre. Every Ranger fan who paid for a ticket to yesterday's game, should have got a their money back. The Isles can be dead last, but they always show up to play the Rangers. the Rangers? Not so much. How you play against your crosstown rivals, and fail to show up is beyond me. AV should be feeling the heat!
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“We’ve had guys at times playing the way we need to play, but for us to be successful we need everybody buying in. Right now, we don’t want it,” Ryan McDonagh said after the Rangers had what seemed like a longer-than-usual locker-room discussion.


“Watch your shifts and ask yourself if you’re doing whatever you can to help the team win,” McDonagh said. “Are you leaving your line-mates out to dry? Our goalie? I mean, how many looks are we gonna give them throughout a game? That’s unacceptable.”


“If we do the same thing, it’s going to be the same result,” McDonagh said. “I hope our guys understand the importance of [sunday]. It’s a huge game for us and I hope we come ready.”

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Funny thing, was flipping channels on my NHL ticket and caught the last few minutes of the Kings/Ducks ( hate the kings). Guess what, the Kings lost and in there last nine games they have won on 3 and currently on a 3 game slide. They have more points then us. Kopitar in the post game show, Not playing 60 minutes, Not sticking to the game plan/system, Some guys need to step up etc etc. So funny because I heard that earlier today from hmmmm!


This funk we are in is like the flu we need get over it like the Penguins did a few weeks ago, the Kings have the flu like we do. So tonight's game will be a win - LGR!


Watching this mornings game Detriot/Chicago as Detroit score 2 quick goals in the 1st. Joe Quenneville talk between breaks is bitching about is team not skating, not checking etc etc. I think it's a funk all teams are hitting and get into. Tampa is smoking everyone but they have no injuries of yet so maybe they will come playoff time.


I am staying positive this team and cherring for a win tonight as they turn it around - LGR

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Watching this mornings game Detriot/Chicago as Detroit score 2 quick goals in the 1st. Joe Quenneville talk between breaks is bitching about is team not skating, not checking etc etc. I think it's a funk all teams are hitting and get into. Tampa is smoking everyone but they have no injuries of yet so maybe they will come playoff time.


I am staying positive this team and cherring for a win tonight as they turn it around - LGR


Hedman is out 6 weeks.

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