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Any chance we could get a chat feature here like the old AOL?


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Love it. I've been on a few forums that had a chat/shoutbox and definitely used it to pass the time.

I've asked other forums to add this feature as well and the biggest point of contention was that the admins thought having this feature would deter from users posting on the forum. On the forums I used to frequent this was never the case. And I imagine here, it'd mostly be used to shoot the shit and hockey talk would reside mostly in threads.


I'm 100% on board with adding chat.

On a Notre Dame BB I frequent, they open up both a Gameday Thread similar to here and also have a chat window only during the game. That way it doesn't take away from the rest of the board.

I'm on two other team sites that do exactly that, I think it's pretty cool, though I don't generally frequent them.


If you guys think something like that needs moderation, so be it.

I think it'd be really fun to have a chat during the game.

It's also possible to have moderation in chat if you find the right plugin, extension, method for providing chat.


One of the streams I normally watch uses ChatAnGo and it's moderated. If someone posts something against the rules, you can ban them from chat. Without having looked, there are possibly configuration settings where you can even choose who the moderators are, how long you ban someone for, warnings, etc.


Only unfortunate thing is that the GDT wouldn't get as much love, methinks.

If you guys think something like that needs moderation, so be it.

I think it'd be really fun to have a chat during the game.

It's also possible to have moderation in chat if you find the right plugin, extension, method for providing chat.


One of the streams I normally watch uses ChatAnGo and it's moderated. If someone posts something against the rules, you can ban them from chat. Without having looked, there are possibly configuration settings where you can even choose who the moderators are, how long you ban someone for, warnings, etc.


Only unfortunate thing is that the GDT wouldn't get as much love, methinks.

That's my thing. I prefer the GDT over the chat. I don't usually log in while I am at home only when I am at work. The GDT at least offers me something to read to kill time.


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