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What are the options for Cord Cutters for MSG / NY Rangers Viewing?


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You'd be blacked out from watching Rangers games unless you use a VPN (which they were banning people for using from what I've heard). For that reason, NHL.tv is fucking useless for cord cutters. The other options are finding illegal streams right before gametime. I did that during the end stretch of the season after hockeystreams got shut down (RIP), and it was fine. That's my plan for this season especially since I live in NY again.
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I was using the VPN for GameCenter but when it turned to NHL TV they started blocking VPNs so im not entirely sure what id do.


I was using Unblock-us before it got blocked, but according to reddit, Yonder.tv is still a viable VPN, although that was from a thread 6 months ago so I don't know which ones are still up.


If you have a chromecast, you can find a stream from your computer and cast it to your TV


I'm going to look into this further. Thanks!


You'd be blacked out from watching Rangers games unless you use a VPN (which they were banning people for using from what I've heard). For that reason, NHL.tv is fucking useless for cord cutters. The other options are finding illegal streams right before gametime. I did that during the end stretch of the season after hockeystreams got shut down (RIP), and it was fine. That's my plan for this season especially since I live in NY again.




I was going to ask you about hockeystreams right before you posted. I used for a month and loved it but found no trace when I looked it up. Shame.

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Yeaaa.. So I'm bringing this thread back because I'm telling optimum to go fuck themselves this weekend. The only thing that sucks is no more msg for me so I need some options.


Those with NHL.tv is it worth it? If not, what other choices are there?


I hear ya Falco, except in my case it'll be adios Verizon unless they or Optimum, come up with an acceptable deal

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Cord is scheduled to be cut on 9/8. I'm keeping 50mbs/50mbs Internet from Verizon for $50 a month.


My goal is to reduce my internet and cable bill from $165 a month to $100 or less on average over the year.


I have a young daughter so I think HULU commercial free $11/month will be a constant. She's got to have her Doc McStuffins. From there the thought is to rotate through services to binge watch shows on each service. So Netflix for a month, then HBO Now for a month, then Showtime Anywhere, etc.


For hockey I'll go with NHL.tv where I will figure out a way to get around local black outs without getting banned.


I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes if you like.

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Cord is scheduled to be cut on 9/8. I'm keeping 50mbs/50mbs Internet from Verizon for $50 a month.


My goal is to reduce my internet and cable bill from $165 a month to $100 or less on average over the year.


I have a young daughter so I think HULU commercial free $11/month will be a constant. She's got to have her Doc McStuffins. From there the thought is to rotate through services to binge watch shows on each service. So Netflix for a month, then HBO Now for a month, then Showtime Anywhere, etc.


For hockey I'll go with NHL.tv where I will figure out a way to get around local black outs without getting banned.


I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes if you like.


I will be doing the same this season so I'll pitch in with my own experience too.

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I will be doing the same this season so I'll pitch in with my own experience too.

Great. I figured the first year I'll save close to $100 just on free trials. Most offer a free month.


What device are you planning to use to stream stuff to your TV? I've bounced around in my head between the Chromecasts along with android phones that we have, setting up a dedicated PC and getting a Roku.


For NHL.tv I think I'll have to watch on my computer or hook one up to the TV, even if it's temporarily for game time. Seems tricking NHL.tv through the phone is harder than on PC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry if there is a thread for this, did a search but couldn't find anything.


I am thinking about getting rid of cable tv because i pretty much never watch tv and when I do we usually stream/binge watch a Hulu or Netflix show. As a matter of fact the only thing I do watch on tv is the Rangers.


What are my alternatives? I know you can get center ice for Apple TV but don't they black out local games? I believe the NHL app is the same story.


Anyone have any recommendations? Really finding it harder and harder to pay $160/month (my building only allows TWC) just to watch hockey.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've posted a similar one before but i would just like to update. I live in central New York actually closer to NYC than Buffalo. The NHL in it's infinite wisdom figures I would rather watch the Sabres than the Rangers. Anytime the Sabres play MSG network televises it in my area instead of Ranger games. The problem is, I'm considered "in market" for both these teams so Gamecenter or Center Ice are not options for me. I guess they expect me to drive over 250 miles 1 way to watch the game in person. This is extremely frustrating. For a league that is trying to expand it's fan base they seem to do everything they can to deny you a T.V. feed. I use Time-Warner cable. When Hockeystreams came to light I was thrilled and then thanks to the NHL they forced that out as well. My ONLY option is to try and find an illegal stream which is 2nd rate to say the least. Does anybody out there have any other ideas? I'm desperate!!
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