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22 Hilarious Maps Show How Americans Regions Speak Different English


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Here's why occasionally I have dead giveaways that I'm not a local. I've picked up quite a few confusing vocabulary habits in Wisconsin I'm afraid. All 22 maps are hilarious, interesting and sometimes even baffling, but here are a few of my favorites!










And here's one that'll make you proud...




Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/22-maps-that-show-the-deepest-linguistic-conflicts-in-america-2013-6

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"The City" one is dead on. LOL.


There's one that shows that the whole country calls a specific lunch sandwich a "sub", except for Long Island, where it's a "hero", and Philadelphia, where it's called a "hoagie". I'm very curious as to why people call it that way in such small areas.

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sir-up??!!!??? AHHHHH that bugs me. AHHHHHH just repeating it in my head is making me want to throw up. No way that many people say it that way. It's like those people who pronounce "room" as "rum"


Oh and this one made me LOL



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lmao, so true. Didnt know this was a thing



Evidently it is. One of my friends went to Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA and there was a "brew-thru" a few blocks down from the school. It's weird. You pull in, tell them what you want, give 'em the money, pop the trunk, they load it, and you drive off.

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Evidently it is. One of my friends went to Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA and there was a "brew-thru" a few blocks down from the school. It's weird. You pull in, tell them what you want, give 'em the money, pop the trunk, they load it, and you drive off.


LOL only in the good ol USA......this is why I love this fucking country. USA > all other countries because of shit like this

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Funny, my wife is from western NY near Buffalo, I came there many years ago and asked for a soda..they looked at eachother...you mean a pop?....I'm like..yeah how about a Soda Pop...lol. Even within the same state different words for the same thing. Love it.
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