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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Didn't they show how the Night King was made by the children of the Forrest? I think Bran is an annoying useless character that adds nothing. Kinda fuckin hate him.


Thought the acting from both the Stark sisters was pretty shitty when they meet. I know they aren't fond of each other, but it was a lame scene that went through the motions.


The dragon shit was awesome. But thanks to cablevision, it was choppy and fucked up when it airedlive. Seems to be their new thing. Come 9:20 ish on Sunday, HBO gets all fucked up. Yayyyy.


Watching Arya sneak in felt like taken out of Pirates of the Caribbean, with 2 stupid Guards to complete it. Them re-uniting was a bit stiff, but up to par for most Dialogue this season.


Also Arya vs. Brienne was the female training fight version of Oberyn vs. The Moutain. :D I appreciate that they allowed Brienne to have a tie.


edit Spoiler just for size of the pic. Not actually a Spoiler, if you've seen this weeks episode.




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Yes. I suggest reading the link I posted for the evidence behind the theory. Bran may be annoying, but he's going to be critical to the close of the series.



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I don't see how he can be two people in the same timeline. He could BECOME the Night King. But if he did, then can't he just stop the war?

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It depends entirely on how the series chooses to handle the concept of time loop paradoxes.


If they don't want to encroach too dangerously on that, they can simply make him responsible for the creation of the Night King as a result of his spending too much time green seeing in the past while whispering to various characters (namely the First Man who the Children turned into the Night King).


I'm effect, his whispers, as we think we saw with Hodor, might drive people mad. Perhaps the Children will/did kill that First Man because of his ramblings about the Night King he eventually becomes.

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Dany being all "bend the knee or get burned" sure isn't re-assuring of how she might rule.


Meanwhile I am hoping that Baelish is finally overplaying his hand. He should be, at least if Sansa has finally learned something from the things that happened to her, which all have their roots in Baelishs actions to begin wit.

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We got no real confirmation of him either way, which leads me to believe he's alive. I think he'll probably play an important role in next week's episode given the preview that shows Daenerys speaking to the living Lannister troops on the field demanding their fealty. I can see someone like Tarly serving as a fine example of the price they'll pay should they refuse.



I also think the Drogon-Jon showdown might be our first real step at revealing Jon's true family lineage. It's not as though the show hasn't been dropping hilariously obvious hints at it, like Drogon roaring and flying over his head as he arrived at Dragonstone moments after telling Tyrion "I'm not a Stark..."




Nailed it.

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Here's my next prediction, though it's admittedly originally from AmericanJesus -- Jorah is the Wight that will be brought back to Dragonstone to convince Dany of the Army of the Dead (end Dave's prediction). And it will heartbreakingly and unequivocally convince her of the righteousness of the cause, giving Cersei momentary reprieve until next season.



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I just started this show. Does this little blonde shithead get what he deserves?

Or will I have to deal with this insufferable cunt for the next several seasons?


I don't give a fuck about spoilers, so by all means, lmk.



Snape kills Dumbledore


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The king - I guess he died?

His son. The little fucker who shows the girl her father's head on a stake.


Oh, that little shit head. He gets to ride a dragon as he is cheered by ten thousand naked virgins.

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Apparently it was the message Sansa was forced to send after Ned Stark was killed. So Bealish is trying to deepen Aryas trust issues, not Sansas. Maybe Bran can be usefull for once this season and prevent it.


There is a theory out there that sansa and arya are setting baelish up to find out what his true intentions are. I am inclined to believe this since it felt like arya was being super loud and stupid (that lock pick scene was ridiculously loud) when she was breaking into littlefinger's room. She's a master assassin/sneak and shes going to get caught and set up like that? i highly doubt it.


On another note I hated the last episode.. felt like 2 episodes smushed into one. Going to be a shitty ending for this series if this is how the rest of the show goes. Too much happening and not enough detail. And this plan to go catch a wight is beyond stupid especially since Jon's reaction was pretty much "okay lets go".. considering he's been the one freaking out about the ice zombies, he of all people should know how hard and stupid this plan is. Gendrys return was cool but that "lets be best buds" scene with Jon was brutal.


Anybody sense a bit of jealousy from Jorah against Jon? I see a betrayal coming or almost coming.


Did not get a sense of this at all. But, with that said, I didnt realize the cave scene with Jon and Dany was supposed to be "flirtatious" either so I don't know what to think at this point.

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1. The Wall will fall and the Night King will ride the newly "Nighted" Viserion over it, burning a massive hole through it to allow the Army of the Dead to come piling through ready to lay waste to Westeros.


2. Jon and Dany are totally gonna bone…


3. Before Jon finds out he's not actually Jon Stark, he's Jahaerys Targaryen. That'll make for an awkward second encounter with Aunt Daenerys. Or, you know, maybe not? I mean, Targs + incest is no big thing.


4. The final scene is Bran, greenseeing, opening his eyes to reveal bright blue Walker eyes. This will either confirm or strongly reinforce the idea that NK = BS.


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