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The Walking Dead


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I think the vast majority of the people who die tonight die in Woodbury.


Early predictions on main cast members to die:








I'm really hoping Milton doesn't die. I really like him as a character and it would be nice if they kept him around for longer. I just think he'd be a good addition to Rick's group. I agree with all of the other choices, but I think Beth might also be one of the other characters to die.

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Last min predction-


Blah blah fill...

Gov and co at prison as seen in preview

They get trapped in, group knows and escapes on the road.

Somehow, mert up with Andrea Tyreese & black woman, prevoously outcast, milton helped escaped before killed.

Group thinks they are clear (out on road). Gov shoots Beth/baby. Baby turns. Rick shoots /season.

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Well, two outta five ain't bad.


Definitely did not see Andrea going out, though I knew there had to be one major character death, so that makes sense in that respect.


Milton's death as part of it was genius, though. Absolutely loved that whole sequence.


The Governor slaughtering his own people was amazing too. The way Martinez and his main soldiers reacted was just... wow.

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Glenn and Maggie are both horrible shots. With fully automatic assault rifles, they still couldn't hit a single body in a row of dozens fleeing the prison from a range of no farther than 50 feet.
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Good episode. I'm sad Milton died and pretty much ended up killing Andrea, but I like that he had the balls to go at the Governor and also gave Andrea a chance to break herself out. Can't say I'll miss Andrea.


The Woodbury army slaughter scene was surprising though. I thought the Governor might take out one or two people, but the whole group? He's a fucking psycho. Not that we didn't already know that.


Milton Fo Eva

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but seriously carl is the best character on the show


He's a total product of the new environment. No childhood (innocence) to speak of, which is why all the correlations are now being drawn between he and the Governor. Really clever writing/story telling.

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Glenn and Maggie are both horrible shots. With fully automatic assault rifles, they still couldn't hit a single body in a row of dozens fleeing the prison from a range of no farther than 50 feet.


Indeed..had they just simply not used automatic fire but instead gone for aimed semi auto fire they could have popped 10 peeps running away at least. But I guess it's not as dramatic as the sound of auto fire, just more effective. :)

I love Tyrese missing shots at like 20 yards with a scoped bolt action rifle too...wow....he should just skip the bullets and use the rifle as a bat...would be more effective that way tbh.


On a different note...the Governor losing it and shooting his whole flock of sheep was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on the show...you could see his frustration and insanity.....he's eyes.....damn.....craaaaaaaaazy......great acting....glad he didn't die, he's a fun char and now he can pop up when we least expect it. Carl turning into mini governor is awesome too.

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Indeed..had they just simply not used automatic fire but instead gone for aimed semi auto fire they could have popped 10 peeps running away at least. But I guess it's not as dramatic as the sound of auto fire, just more effective. :)

I love Tyrese missing shots at like 20 yards with a scoped bolt action rifle too...wow....he should just skip the bullets and use the rifle as a bat...would be more effective that way tbh.


On a different note...the Governor losing it and shooting his whole flock of sheep was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on the show...you could see his frustration and insanity.....he's eyes.....damn.....craaaaaaaaazy......great acting....glad he didn't die, he's a fun char and now he can pop up when we least expect it. Carl turning into mini governor is awesome too.


:rofl: Truth.


They touched on this on Talking Dead after and joked about how horrible of a shot he is.

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Glenn and Maggie are both horrible shots. With fully automatic assault rifles, they still couldn't hit a single body in a row of dozens fleeing the prison from a range of no farther than 50 feet.


They got them, their bullets just didn't hit till much later because in no way did the Gub kill all those people with 1 clip while shooting from the hip

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