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High and Wide

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Everything posted by High and Wide

  1. Only spoke with him a few times, but he was a good dude. RIP Scars
  2. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/3225558/the-stink-eye-o.gif
  3. It's a habit. I can try and break this one, but it's not on the top of my list of habits to break.
  4. I'm guilty of 'we' when talking about the Rangers. It's a habit. It's not going to change. http://cdn.papermag.com/uploaded_images/24216673_dealwithit_gif.gif It's more convenient than saying 'the Rangers' or 'this team' every time you are referencing them.
  5. They didn't ask anything but what school you attend. You could probably try it either way.
  6. Of course. It's one of the most awkward feelings.
  7. I just go straight for the stall. Fuck urinals.
  8. That is no better for you than taking immodium to stave it off. I'm surprised I got over my public toilet issue, but I'm glad I have.
  9. You also have to keep in mind that these characters have learned a lot about the environment that they are in. Characters aren't going to die stupidly anymore. And with that, less characters 'need' to die. I love that this show is more than that.
  10. I give shows a TON of leeway. A show has to royally fuck up its plot and characters in order for me to stop watching it. The Walking Dead hasn't even come close to that. I don't think I'd ever stop watching it.
  11. Definitely a good feeling. Where'd you apply?
  12. I loved the episode, but when Chris Hardwick announced that there would be a special surprise guest, I knew someone was going to die. I had a feeling it would be Beth. I'm sad though, I thought she progressed into a strong character. Also, I'm happy that it was all about Dawn, and that they are leaving without another epic battle. Despite not showing anyone, something tells me the doctor goes with the group.
  13. Another good episode. I was happy to see a backstory on Abraham.
  14. True, but just going on the lack of resources you would assume they have, I don't see them having to go that far to find people.
  15. I didn't realize how little they've actually moved with respect to Atlanta. I thought the episode was pretty good. I think there is more to Beth as a character, and this episode displayed that.
  16. I know. I'm just saying, I'm pretty much down to go anywhere.
  17. As long as I can stumble on to the correct train, I'll go anywhere.
  18. I'm kind of surprised they killed Gareth et al so quickly. He seemed smart enough of a leader to be able to cause real problems for Rick's group. That said, I loved the episode. I knew that Rick would be back and loved that he remembered the 'machete with red handle' promise he made. I like where this season is going. This split is going to be interesting because IIRC, its the first time a major split was agreed upon and not forced.
  19. I thought he either got bit, or that wound that he had in prior episodes never healed. I think he thinks he's living on borrowed time and can't seem to shake his past. Yet again, there is a split in the group.
  20. Ah, right. The details, Chris. The details.
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