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Everything posted by Bluephoria

  1. I'm already so despondent about this. Anyway you can ban me from seeing that sub-forum? lol
  2. 3 interviews with 3 separate companies in 1 week. I'm on fucking fire! Pray for me.
  3. LOL.. that kid who apparently walked out of the forest after 5 years and into Berlin and nobody knows who he is..
  4. LOL.. that kid who apparently walked out of the forest after 5 years and into Berlin and nobody knows who he is..
  5. Are you secretly "forest boy"?
  6. Are you secretly "forest boy"?
  7. I was already on loads of xanax. :rofl:
  8. Ugh. I hate when companies piggy-back interviews unexpectedly on you. Had phone interview at 8AM and it went real well, at the end the woman tells uunexpectadly that I'd be contacted for a behavioral interview a half hour later. WHAT? Thanks for the fricking heads up so I coulda prepared!
  9. Staten Island.. Lol I have funny stuff to say, but I'm afraid you guys may think I hurt Rhoms feelings and come to a "consensus" that I need to be disciplined. Haha
  10. Look at this guy... recycling shit from other places. Why don't you come up with some original stuff, cowboy?
  11. I am so masterful at making eggs over easy.
  12. :rofl: Then you better frame somebody else.
  13. AC Update: $500 to fix. AC Update Pt. 2: I'm fucking freezing.
  14. Huh? That makes no sense. You can't turn your AC on or off whenever you like? Lol
  15. It's broken. They should be coming tomorrow. I guess this is better than a sunburn tho. lol
  16. Zero percent chance I'm able to fall asleep tonight with my room being 80+ degrees. Fucking misery. I'm sitting here with a wet towel on my head.
  17. 8 billion threads created tonight. I can't keep up.
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