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Everything posted by Bluephoria

  1. Btw... I really like HSVs new away kit.
  2. I'm really fucking furious. This is twice in 2 weeks that I've setup a phone interview with this HR girl at Zipcar and TWICE that she hasn't called at the agreed upon time. How rude and fucking unprofessional.
  3. Was supposed to have a phone interview at 10am... never received the call. What the fuck! I can only assume something came up so I just sent her an email.. I hope all this xanax doesn't make me pass out if she plans on calling a little later. LOL
  4. 2 hours on the beach.. epic sunburn. fuck me.
  5. Yea, you picked the worst possible place to live because whenever they have an event that's the area they shutdown. haha
  6. Yea, you picked the worst possible place to live because whenever they have an event that's the area they shutdown. haha
  7. Haha. I have no clue... it seemed like the firemen wanted to take over the town.
  8. Haha. I have no clue... it seemed like the firemen wanted to take over the town.
  9. Wow. Had no idea John Cena was such an awesome dude. Of course how would I... I don't follow wrestling at all. John Cena, WWE star, grants a record 300th request for Make-A-Wish http://sports.yahoo.com/news/john-cena-make-a-wish-300-requests-pro-wrestling-wwe.html
  10. Wow. Had no idea John Cena was such an awesome dude. Of course how would I... I don't follow wrestling at all. John Cena, WWE star, grants a record 300th request for Make-A-Wish http://sports.yahoo.com/news/john-cena-make-a-wish-300-requests-pro-wrestling-wwe.html
  11. I don't know what impact is... But those 2 cops that always stand by the cop car parked in the middle of Times Square, always taking hundreds of pictures with tourists, giving their hat to them to wear and stuff... is that their job? To take pictures with tourists? hah
  12. Niko.. the lesser known of the Greek Gods... he's the god of anhidrosis.
  13. I've got to side with Phil on the train platform issue... that shit is so miserable.
  14. How many upskirt shots you got on your phone, bro?
  15. The good thing about the heat???? "What lightweight outfit, pink or white, makes the front of my slacks abnormally tight?" "Sundress! The answer is sundress!"
  16. Not me, but maybe someone else? Exactly what I thought. I saw it this morning and just started cracking up. The perps must have been disappointed nobody was awake to answer the door. hah
  17. Someone lit a bag of shit on the doorstep to my house last night. LOL
  18. Go to South Florida... You'll have no problem finding one there.
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