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Everything posted by Bluephoria

  1. We could always catch a Mets game instead. Hah
  2. We could always catch a Mets game instead. Hah
  3. The Incredible Hulk coaster at Universal Studios down in Florida made me nauseas... All 4 times I rode it. Lol
  4. Anyone read all these articles today about Christopher Columbus being Jewish?
  5. I'm gonna have to go to the CVS by the train station from now on. Hah
  6. I really felt like such a creepster. Should have thought out my approach first. Lol
  7. :rofl: That's so money.. fuck why didn't I think of that.
  8. Haha. I was walking towards the front of the store to check out the candy and saw him at the cashier.. I didn't really think about it so I just walked up and said whats up. He looked at me with a completely dumbfounded look so I stood there for one second and thought this might be really gay/awkward to do this right in front of the cashier, so I walked towards my candy destination. After he paid I stopped him and said asked if he recognized me, he did not.. so I asked him if his name was Joey (at this point I wasn't 100% sure it was him).. he said yea, so I said I'm Harris..... and he still was confused! Then I said Blueshirts Brotherhood and it clicked. Apparently they had a conversation after I walked away about how weird and awkward that was since I walked up to them, said hi, and then walked away and neither of them knew me. :rofl:
  9. I just freaked out Chizz so bad at CVS. :rofl: I was super creepy (by accident) until I told him who I was.. :rofl:
  10. Fucking chipped my tooth this weekend.. took a frisbee to the face. :lol: Luckily it's small... maybe this will motivate me to actually make a dentist appt.
  11. Leaving for the weekend in an hour.. Future bro in laws bachelor party. Saturday should be a complete shit show.. Rangers game 3 + champions leage final in the midst of a bachelor party... I may not make it out alive.
  12. Yes, definitely did not mean him. :rofl:
  13. Put some ice cubes down your shirt, yea buddy!
  14. He's moving to the Tanglewood Preserve.
  15. Party favors include: For the men: http://swissshop.us/shop/images/uploads/Victorinox/One-Hand%20Trekker%20Camo%20Swiss%20Army%20Knife%2054877.jpg For the women: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41dVfskSrvL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  16. Phil's bride to be? A white dress with 'a touch of camo'? :rofl: http://www.weddingplanninglink.com/uploads/images/plan_gallery/big/1034_1_heather_1ff_white_camo_5671145.jpg
  17. there is nothing effeminate about wearing a messenger bag to work.... as long as you don't wear it like a purse. Would it make you feel better if it was in camo, Phil? lol http://www.vpcam.com/members/1402226/uploaded/9137.jpg http://gadgetsin.com/uploads/2011/01/linen_dslr_camera_messenger_bag_1.jpg You'd look like a psycho vietnam vet... would suit you well!
  18. You could always be super cool and wear this under your clothes. http://www.kpraslowicz.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/euro-trip-hello-kitty0blur.jpg
  19. Speaking of jobs.. I'm fucking going nuts here. I've had 3 interviews with this company here on LI, the last one with the COO of the company, and at the conclusion I was told about benefits, etc. and that I would need to come in once more to meet the staff. Meet the staff? That's a little strange... but it's been over a week since I heard anything... I know.. I'm impatient.. but this has been drawn out for a month+ already. Really want this one, too..
  20. It's the oly way I can eat ramen anymore. The best is mixing it with ketchup to make spicy ketchup.
  21. And some guac... May have to go to the supermarket after the office season finale ends. Lol
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