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Everything posted by BleedzNYRBlue

  1. You'll be needing this then. :D http://www.sevenwholedays.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/12260__45605_zoom-300x300.jpg
  2. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go to bed. :z: I swear, there's some days I wake up and I can only think about going back to bed as soon as I get home. :o
  3. LOL Jimmy, what planet are you from?? :eek: I cannot fathom waking up earlier than I have to on any given day. :rofl:
  4. I would be a "morning person" if morning started at Noon...:z: More coffee is in order ASAP.
  5. Ohhhh, that's no fun! lol Hang in there! I'll have a wee nip for ya! :D
  6. Ohhhh, that's no fun! lol Hang in there! I'll have a wee nip for ya! :D
  7. Tea, honey, and vitamin C drops. Feel better! :)
  8. Try this instead: :D http://static.snagfreebies.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/headshoulders.png
  9. Exactly! :( I had to drive 10+ hours to find snow! http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy178/rlb9908/012-1.jpg http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy178/rlb9908/055.jpg
  10. Hope your Uncle gets well soon, Linds. :) Glad Max is doing better, too.
  11. What the hell did I miss?? Geez, I go away for a week...
  12. Well, good news! My friend is on his way home to CT from the hospital. :) His spleen is repairing itself. He just needs to take it easy for at least 6 weeks and check in with a Dr. here. :)
  13. Awesome! :cheers: Yeah, it's good to stay well hydrated in Arizona. :D
  14. Yes, it was a nice week away. So good to see SNOW! :)
  15. We got back from Maine on Thursday. I am beat! So tired! Had fun, but a friend of ours ended up in the hospital because his nephew hit his sled at night on the lake doing 80 mph. :( He hit the sled and everything exploded. My friend went flying on the seat, which flew off about 20 feet. :eek: Both sleds are totalled. He thought he was OK, just bruised ribs, but the next afternoon he felt some sharp pains and he passed out into his brothers arms. Apparently, his spleen was damaged and he was bleeding internally. They had to airlift him to Bangor Medical Center. He's still there, but he's doing better. What a week!
  16. Well, I'm off tomorrow to snowy Maine! :happy: You boys and girls behave yourselves while I'm gone. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. ;)
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