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Everything posted by BleedzNYRBlue

  1. Ok, now I've got one for you: Sami Lepisto's lovely bruise from blocking a shot - http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/sami-lepisto-blackhawks-tweets-disgusting-leg-bruise-blocked-212405523.html
  2. Jesus, Keith! :puke: I'm drinkin' my coffee over here!
  3. My allergies are killing me, too. Just took a Claritin. I have my son's cold, on top of it all. Blech!
  4. Holy hangover, Batman!! No regrets, though. Popped my strip club cherry last night with two guys from the band my nephew sings in. I had a fuckin' blast!!! I got more action with my dollars than they did! LOL Then we went to their gig, and afterward, I had a lovely encounter...not a bad night, I must say. ;)
  5. I'm friggin' dyin' over here...:mad: 90*...WTF??
  6. LMAO! I got it covered - I already bought him a good supply. I told him I'd be a totally kick-ass Grandma, but it better not be any time soon! :D His date has a huge rack, I don't think video games are gonna be on his mind...:rolleyes:
  7. Had such a nice day with my son. :) Kinda bittersweet, though. Just went to breakfast, then to rent his tuxedo for the Jr. Prom that's coming up very soon. My baby is growing up...getting sorta misty eyed about that...
  8. I'm wearing my NYR Blue heels today! They look good, but they're new, so my feet hurt. lol
  9. Happy Easter and Passover everyone! :) http://cutestfood.com/uploads/2011/03/CutestFood_com_tumblr_lgdjo9neat1qzkfbpo1_r1_500_large1.jpg http://www.cbmhouston.org/clientimages/52354/optimized-passover%20formal.jpg
  10. Sending good thoughts your friend's way, Jules. Glad he's gonna be ok. :)
  11. :eek: Jesus, this is not funny anymore...
  12. Wow, you should study some private investigation skills! $50K could pay off all your school tuitions and books. :D
  13. Holy crap! How can this person keep getting away with it??
  14. So heartbreaking. :( God bless his family.
  15. Sinus infection, maybe? Use a decongestant and some ibuprofin. Drink plenty of water, and use a hot cloth on your forehead. :)
  16. Seventeen years ago today, the love of my life was born. :) He is my heart. He's the best thing in my life, even though he drives me crazy sometimes. :) I can't believe my baby is 17!!
  17. LOL but it's smoother than Jack Daniels. I also like Jameson. :)
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