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Everything posted by pws85nyr

  1. If he can win a face-off sign me up Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  2. Done. Well that was short lived. The thing now is not to revere every club for having withdrawn. They joined in the first place. They should be treated with contempt for the time being and have to work to earn fans trust/respect back. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  3. I was being sarcastic lol. I work in AML and the stuff people/businesses get away with is ridiculous. Probably should have explained that. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  4. Money laundering Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  5. “Some of these smaller clubs depend on a bigger club coming to their ground in competition x,y,z”. This is 100% my issue having been around smaller clubs (the local team where I grew up is Gillingham in League One). Just replace “some” with “most”. Even clubs like Burnley survive off the revenue from Liverpool and Man Utd games at home and the crowd it draws (home and away fans). It all has a trickle down effect. Big players want to play in the ‘best’ competitions against the ‘best’, so these other non European Super League teams attract lesser talent, in turn less people pay to attend as more watch the ESL, which means the EPL generates less income, which in turn means less trickles down the leagues. Say I’m a young talent, like Jack Grealish, why would I want to play for Aston Villa now? If I win the league or finish top 4 I get in the UCL!!! Great, I just don’t get to play at the Bernabeu, Nou Camp, San Siro etc. Instead I get to play against sub par competition and if we ever win it will always be treated with an asterisk. The players hands are tied so it’s pointless punishing them, albeit player power is probably the quickest way to stop this, it’s greedy billionaire owners. If Messi and Ronaldo came out tomorrow and said fuck your competition, it ain’t going anywhere. Some people dislike football because of the cheating and diving, which I understand, but that only started when the big money got involved because the stakes are that much higher. My last gripe, lmao, and it’s not that Spurs are included who have won dick in forever, it’s gonna ruin the EPL. If I’m one of the 6 English teams, and I have Barcelona away this Wednesday, and Juventus at home the following Tuesday, guess how strong my team is gonna be against Brighton on Saturday. You play your strongest team in the most important games which will no longer be the EPL because...you will earn more money from winning this European “we have a rich owner who probably conducts money laundering in some form” Less Than Super League. I’m not bitter as you can likely tell. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  6. The rich keep on getting richer. Will ruin the romance of the sport (and certainly taints European competitions rendering the Europa League and UCL completely pointless) whilst more and more clubs drift into oblivion. I can see the English league losing a whole tier of football in the next 5-10 years, following the recent path of clubs like Bury and Wimbledon before them. What makes me laugh is Spurs have signed up, yet they have won nothing in forever, and Arsenal who are still dining out on their team from 15 years ago. Nothing ‘Super’ about this league whatsoever. It’s just the equivalent of a private school for the rich and powerful. Elitist, even though most of them aren’t elite anymore (Arsenal, Spurs never were, AC Milan, Athletico, Inter etc.). Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  7. A pie with no sides. It’s a casserole with a lid. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  8. Matz has been great, as Dunny says a real surprise. Just hope he keeps it up. Ryu, Ray and Matz is a solid base with Pearson soon back from injury. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  9. Yeah I like it to, same with Kakko. Little emotion, save that for the really big goals. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  10. Lmao Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  11. You know he has found the one and only Smoke's Poutinerie in NY state Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  12. I keep thinking I can still edit my posts when I fuck up the spelling lol. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  13. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  14. Or just out the fork down. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  15. Wow, crazy. Plus Cabrera homers in the snow in Detroit lmao Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  16. Arguably Kakko’s best game as a Ranger. Has looked really good and starting to fit nicely on that line. Strong on the puck, responsible defensively, and a deserved goal for his effort. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  17. Wow. What a poor loss to a poor team. Kinkaid’s stickhandling in OT was awful and cost us the game, Miller was terrible, Gauthier should play lacrosse, kids invisible again, and the refereeing was atrocious. It’s bread man and a handful of others v the opposition. Fuck I hate the Flyers. So by Vally’s definition we are now sellers over the next few weeks. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  18. Forwards had no idea where to go on that PK Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  19. Refereeing has been appalling this game. Both ways Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  20. Brutal game again. Kid hasn’t been the same player since that injury Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  21. Raanta, who knew Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  22. Bullshit Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  23. Man these refs are a fucking joke. I don’t dispute the high stick but how can you not call it then retrospectively call it after another 10 seconds pass? Plus he fucking dived I don’t care if he is cut, that was his visor. Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  24. That was his first start though no? Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  25. Smith got one jab in on Voracek and still made him bleed lmao Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
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