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Drew a Penalty

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Everything posted by Drew a Penalty

  1. Don't know I feel about this. I'm very hesitant when it comes to Day. He has a lot of the physical gifts but hasn't really developed or improved much. I agree with Pete that this he isn't really who you take with your highest pick. Day could be an absolute home run, but he could also be a nobody if he doesn't improve. If the Rangers had another pick before or around him, sure, it'd be a bit easier to deal with.
  2. I don't really know much about the kid. With all of the good puck movers available in this draft, I'm not sure why him.
  3. That's awesome. Great to know that he'll be taller than me in like three months or something like that.
  4. College consumed my life far more than I expected. Studying, singing, sleep and a social life really take up time. I still skim the boards when I get the chance, but I don't post because I have nothing to say because I haven't been able to watch. How's the little one?
  5. Been a while since I've been able to post consistently. How's everyone doing? Minus the Rangers sucking of course.
  6. You have to do that with all Macs now I think. I have the most recent Pro and it doesn't have a disc drive.
  7. Out of curiosity, anyone know any places or people that book musical gigs? I became the business manager for my a cappella group and finding places for our "NYC Tour" is a bitch. If anyone knows of places it would help a ton.
  8. First rehearsal was yesterday so no video yet, but we are going to be putting out an album this year which is cool. The group is called 36 Madison Avenue. James Van Der Beek is an alum of the group. As far as I know we mostly do covers, but all of the arrangements are our own and they sound pretty good. I have to learn like 5 songs in the next 13 days though and that's rough. I'm a bass though so it's not too hard.
  9. First day of being in an A Capella group and it's pretty fucking awesome.
  10. If I shave I probably won't look to different from that kid.
  11. Not even for an occasion. Just bought one. I have like 50 something ties so I figured maybe add a bowtie to my collection. I spent like two hours practicing tying the fucking thing. I'm amazed I didn't strangle myself.
  12. Out of curiosity, is anyone as infuriated by bowties as I am? Got one and can't for the life of me tie it. I mean I've tied it, but holy hell does it come out kind of wonky looking. It's really annoying because I'm really good with neckties and I have a bunch of them. Got a bowtie and now I feel like a kindergartener.
  13. Maybe I'll make a go during the summer at some point to look around and go to a baseball game. Pete, what's it like over by you? I'm going to be in Madison for school. Just curious if it's any colder or shittier than being in the city.
  14. I feel bad that the only impression I got of Pittsburgh was it being icy, cold and cloudy. I guess that's what I get for showing up in late February. I'd go back though just not via car.
  15. All of this talk of Jersey is just reminding me that I'm going to be living there in a few weeks. I'm gonna miss the city.
  16. The guy wholly deserves everything that has come and will come to him. I just have that small piece of me that feels bad for someone losing their practice. Then again it also seems like this guy might be able to survive without his practice considering all of the expensive hunting he can go out and do.
  17. Oh absolutely. I'd stop going. I just know that losing a practice is incredibly tough. My dad lost his to Hurricane Sandy and he's had an awful time recovering from that. I can imagine it being impossible for this guy to ever find work again, at least as a dentist.
  18. Dude has definitely lost his practice. That's a really big blow. He's getting ripped on Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/river-bluff-dental-bloomington
  19. Looks awesome. The onset of the apocalypse seems more interesting than the actual surviving after when it's months later. This seems far more chaotic and the lack of knowledge in regards to the walkers makes them more terrifying.
  20. Ouch. Okay. Maybe I'll just start trying with my posts again. Jeez.
  21. Hey, I did a lot better of a job of making smart comments when I was um...45? That's kind of gone down since then. Maybe I need to make a comeback.
  22. You weren't a teenager going into high school. So... I'm still a total fucking teenager though.
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