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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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Well I am about 100 pages into the book and one of the biggest riddles might already have been solved. So only people who read to the first chapter with Ser Davos should read further.;)[spoiler=spoiler]The Lord of the sisters tells Ser Davos that it was in deed Ned Stark who fathered a bastard son with the daughter of a fisherman who saved his life. He might be misinformed, so a rest of doubt remains, but still a huge bit of information dropped in a otherwise unimportant sentence. On a different note, loved the beheading of Janos Slynt by Jon, some revenge for Ned finally.

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Well I am about 100 pages into the book and one of the biggest riddles might already have been solved. So only people who read to the first chapter with Ser Davos should read further.;)[spoiler=spoiler]The Lord of the sisters tells Ser Davos that it was in deed Ned Stark who fathered a bastard son with the daughter of a fisherman who saved his life. He might be misinformed, so a rest of doubt remains, but still a huge bit of information dropped in a otherwise unimportant sentence. On a different note, loved the beheading of Janos Slynt by Jon, some revenge for Ned finally.


gah i read the tag think you were talking about earlier books.


i'm a dumbass but that's cool, i'll still enjoy reading that.

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Maybe I should have made it clearer that I was talking about "DwD", but I though with me raving about getting the book for two days, all of you would know by now. :D


it was at the top of the page. i should have looked back. totally my bad.

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Guys you have to get the book and read quicker, damn it! I want to talk about this, especially about what happened around pages 230-240.

[spoiler=Read only, if you have reached page 240 of Vol.5]The son of Rhaegar Targaryen is alive! Dany has a nephew! I find this really stunning, cause there was no hint to it at all in the previous books and all assumed the boy was killed by Gregor Clegane like his mother and sister, when he was a baby. So to speak of succession, this would make him the rightful heir I'd say, even before Dany.


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Well, I'd say around page 592 the timeline of "Dance with Dragons" is past the point where "A feast for crows" ended,[spoiler=small spoiler] as Arya and Jaime return with their chapters.

Nice to see that we don't have to miss them for some more years, like it was with Jon and the others in the last Volume.



don't read the Spoiler if you haven't read at least Vol. 4. ;) For those who have it is just an observation and not spoilering content from Vol. 5.

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To get back to the TV show for a moment, I found out that George RR Martin wrote in his blog a while ago that Gwendoline Christie has been cast to play Brienne of Tarth.

Well, being 6'3 probably makes her fit that part, though her looks are quite unfitting, but for that there is also a way, this is TV. :D


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To get back to the TV show for a moment, I found out that George RR Martin wrote in his blog a while ago that Gwendoline Christie has been cast to play Brienne of Tarth.

Well, being 6'3 probably makes her fit that part, though her looks are quite unfitting, but for that there is also a way, this is TV. :D



Needless to say, that is not how I envisioned that character to look like at all :p

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Talking about unfit actressess. Natalie Dormer from "The Tudors" has been casted to be Margaery Tyrell.

I don't know, but weren't we past the point were 20-somethings play Teenagers? Mrs. Dormer is 29 and will be in her mid-30s by the end of the series (if all books get filming that is) and Margaery is only 16...

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Yes, but if the ages of all the characters were to be followed exactly, the series would be full of kid and teenager actors.


In response to your spoiler on page 240 of volume 5, that was the last thing I was expecting at this point, and the way things are going that should set up something really exciting later on.


P.S. Tyrion Lannister is awesome!

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Somewhat true but [spoiler=Content of Vol.4]with her marrying Tommen later on, that marriage gets reaaally creepy now.

Don't you think?


And yeah didn't expect that either. [spoiler=Content of Vol.5]I at first was thinking the boy would be Rickon, which wasn't even possible, cause Young Griff is 18, while Rickon is what now? 6? 7? But how old the kid was, was somewhat lost in translation for me. :D I really have to improve my english. So have you reached the first "Reek" chapter and the return of one of our "favorites" as well? :D


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And we have two more actors.


Stannis Baratheon will be played by Stephen Dillane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Dillane


Melisandre of Asshai, the Red Witch as I call her, will be played by Carice van Houten http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carice_van_Houten

So we will have a dutch one on board for Jules. :D


Btw. nice bus you have in NYC:



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Carice van Houten in Game of Thrones is truly fabulous. She's far and away the best Dutch actress in a long time.


And she's not quite ugly, really. Very unique look, a bit mysterious.





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"Stannis Baratheon, Lord of Dragonstone and by the grace of the gods rightful heir to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, was broad of shoulder and sinewy of limb, with a tightness to his faith and flesh that spoke of leather cured in the sun until it was as tough as steel. Hard was the word men used when they spoke of Stannis, and hard he was. Though he was not yet five-and-thirty, only a fringe of black hair remained on his head, circling behind his ears like the shadow of a crown. His brother, the late King Robert, had grown a beard in his final years. Maester Cressen had never seen it, but they said it was a wild thing, thick and feirce. As if in answer, Stannis kept his own whiskers cropped tight and short. They lay like a blue-black shadow across his square jaw and the boney hollow of his cheeks. His eyes were open wounds beneath his heavy brows, a blue as dark as the sea by night..."


Pretty much just like the renderings you find in Google Images:



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