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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I'm fine, it's fine...the back bumper is just scuffed up, some of the clear coat is cracked. I'm just pissed off that it happened. You wouldn't know it happened unless I pointed it out.


i'd notice it,like you I notice every little ding and scratch on mine

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I happened upon a show last night called "Extreme Cheapskates", wherein a guy rode his bike all around town (for 40 miles) looking for spare change, cashed in the change at a store ($7.00), then went to the butcher for "dinner". OMFG! Not much grosses me out completely, but this fucking guy bought, not one, but TWO goat heads for dinner!! I'm thinking to myself, "what the fuck is wrong with this guy?". To make matters worse, he was making dinner for his girlfriend! Then, I'm thinking to myself, "what the fuck is wrong with that woman??". I couldn't sleep after that disgusting show. :puke:
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arrested development season 1. While she was watching it for free with my amazon prime account.


Amazon's customer service is just a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with because they dont understand English slangs so I have to talk like a textbook to make sure they understand what I want to do.

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I just got back home in The Netherlands. A very bittersweet day. Today it's 2 years ago that my pops passed away and obviously my family needs me here, but there's someone back on your side of the ocean and it was really, really crappy to say goodbye 12 hours ago. Oh well, a new countdown (to early March) has started and I look back at a fantastic trip. Special thanks to some of you here who made it extra awesome!


So, the Rangers, how are we doing these days? :D

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