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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I switched from Progressive TO Geico and saved 1,000. I win.


Thats what happened to my mom but switch the companies...she went to Progressive to from Geico and saved about 1100 a year. My sister and dad left Geico and went to Allstate and my sister's went down 700 a year, my dad about 400.


The biggest thing for me besides the 300 price drop is that I have a $250 deductible instead of a $500 one. I have full tort, instead of limited tort, which f'ed me over in the lawsuit for my car accident that screwed up my back. Underinsured/uninsured went from 25k to 50k, bodily injury or whatever coverage is a a better amount, and it's still less money than Geico. Geico is a ripoff in NJ, I guess.

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What is your topic?


American policy during World War II regarding the contact between American armed forces and local inhabitants. Using my home city Maastricht as a case study, because it's the only main Dutch city that was under American government for almost a year (September '44 - July '45) while Nazi Germany still occupied the rest of The Netherlands.


One of my guiding professors has previously done research at the US national archives and he's going to try to get me access there for primary source research.

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I just swapped car insurance companies...i went to Progressive and its almost 300 less a year, with better collision/comprehensive, a $250 deductible and full tort. wtf. geico is a ripoff.


I had Geico for a long time, and then I had someone look at my insurance and found out that my coverage was so small, and we looked at State Farm and we got more coverage for less money. Geico likes to rip people off.

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American policy during World War II regarding the contact between American armed forces and local inhabitants. Using my home city Maastricht as a case study, because it's the only main Dutch city that was under American government for almost a year (September '44 - July '45) while Nazi Germany still occupied the rest of The Netherlands.


One of my guiding professors has previously done research at the US national archives and he's going to try to get me access there for primary source research.


Fantastic topic. I wish you all the best! I always wanted to go back to get my M.A., but the market here is so saturated, even with PhD candidates, that I figured i'd be throwing my money away. Since my ambition was to teach, instead of research, I have found a good niche in community college teaching. Now if only I could get something full time.

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Fantastic topic. I wish you all the best! I always wanted to go back to get my M.A., but the market here is so saturated, even with PhD candidates, that I figured i'd be throwing my money away. Since my ambition was to teach, instead of research, I have found a good niche in community college teaching. Now if only I could get something full time.


Thank you! I hope all goes well. I have until early December and the maximum length is about 20,000 words. Those have to be spot on though, choosing to work with a well known professor who works for our national defense academy as well puts some more pressure to it.


Glad to hear you've found a niche at the community college. Teaching is not really what I want and I am not considering a PhD for now, but since the American student visa bans anyone from applying for a more permanent status for two years after expiration I am 'stuck' in The Netherlands until spring of next year. Doing an MA here is quite affordable, so I chose to do so and it's been a good time so far. Professors and fellow students feel more like colleagues, it's a lot less college-like.


Are you looking to stay where you are to find that full time job? Best of luck, man. I am not looking forward to finding a job in this market once I'm done.

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I have heard European Universities are much more collegial, compared to the American system at least. I try to run my classes that way, but the students aren't at that level when I get them (mostly straight out of high school, don't understand the ropes).


I am probably going to end up in a support position, rather than receive a full time position teaching at this school. I am a third tiered candidate, First goes to PhD in History, followed by M.A. I am an M.S.Ed in Social Studies education (mainly so that I could teach Jr/Sr High), which works well at the community college level, but they want people with content specialty, rather than someone with firm pedagogy. It always baffled me as to why the do this, when they barely offer any history courses beyond the survey level, and thus, have very few people who are going to use history in their future academic endeavors. But, that is an unfortunate deal in my career aspirations, I am sure if I had an M.A. and didn't have a full time job, I would probably say that they were giving the jobs to the damn education majors.

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I just swapped car insurance companies...i went to Progressive and its almost 300 less a year, with better collision/comprehensive, a $250 deductible and full tort. wtf. geico is a ripoff.


In all fairness, and all kidding a side. you've been in a ton of accidents and some of them serious. Serious enough to require civil cases, etc. You should be thankful you're not paying thru the nose.


You're an insurance companies worst nightmare.

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In all fairness, and all kidding a side. you've been in a ton of accidents and some of them serious. Serious enough to require civil cases, etc. You should be thankful you're not paying thru the nose.


You're an insurance companies worst nightmare.


I know I have...I'm surprised my insurance is as cheap as it is. But to be honest, like I've said a million times, I've only been at fault for one of my accidents. That's why my insurance isn't that expensive. (relatively). The one with the whole lawsuit was 100% the other person's fault. I was sitting at a red light and was rear ended.


That one has hurt my credit more than anything (besides my shoulder/back), I have a TON of unpaid hospital/medical bills because the other kid's insurance won't pay for them while in litigation. I get calls every day. Once its all over they'll be taken care of and my credit will be cleared but it's hurting me right now.

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Holy hangover, Batman!! No regrets, though. Popped my strip club cherry last night with two guys from the band my nephew sings in. I had a fuckin' blast!!! I got more action with my dollars than they did! LOL Then we went to their gig, and afterward, I had a lovely encounter...not a bad night, I must say. ;)
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