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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Yea, or I could wear this as my only layer and be comfortable, when it's 70.




Yeah, except that it's never 70 degrees here in June, July or August. It's almost always 80?+ with near 100% humidity.


If that's what you wanted year round, move to San Diego. It's about the only place on earth that has that type of weather throughout most of the year.

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BTW, Costanza did wear a Gore-Tex coat man. I'm quite positive. Get Keith in here for verification.


I don't know man. Give me a polo, flip flops and shorts any day of the week, man. I enjoy a good sweat sometimes... lol

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You may be right about Costanza, but I thought it was just a regular goose down. Ain't no thang.


I'm just saying, for someone who's exposed to the cold as painfully as you seem to be, you do very little to help yourself. What kind of chapstick do you use? My guess is that it's not medicated or designed to realy help keep your lips/skin lubricated or protected from wind burn. I'd suggest a Carmex product or a medicated Blistex product.

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I drive everywhere. If I get into my car in 900 layers, I'll be sweating my balls of in 5 minutes. It doesn't make sense. I go from my car, to my office and back. But when I have to carry groceries across a parking lot, that bitter fucking colds bites thru my ear muffs and the TWO pairs of gloves I'm wearing. It's disgusting. I also play hockey outdoors, so I can't do anything more than underarmour under my gear.


I don't need it to be 900 degrees out to enjoy it. I just like anything 50 and above. I'm just as happy in 55 degree weather as I am in 99 degree weather. You on the other hand, seem to ONLY be happy in bitter cold with shitty snow and sleet everywhere. Why? I have no idea.


The alternative, you know, is not to crank you car's heater up to 11. Save gas, you wasteful jerk.

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Yeah, except that it's never 70 degrees here in June, July or August. It's almost always 80?+ with near 100% humidity.


If that's what you wanted year round, move to San Diego. It's about the only place on earth that has that type of weather throughout most of the year.



Who the hell wants to live in a whale's vagina?

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The alternative, you know, is not to crank you car's heater up to 11. Save gas, you wasteful jerk.


Depends on how cold it is. I try not to use the heat, b/c I don't like it to be stuffy. However, if I need the defroster, what am I going to do?

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Dude, lol. What ice scraper? The other day I was driving on the palisades and my whole car fogged out for no reason. I literally couldnt see anything. I used the defroster and shit got better, but it still wasn't 100%. What good is an ice scraper going to do when I'm speeding down the palisades or Belt Pkwy in my car and my windshield/back windshield get fogged out?
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Yeah, except that it's never 70 degrees here in June, July or August. It's almost always 80?+ with near 100% humidity.


If that's what you wanted year round, move to San Diego. It's about the only place on earth that has that type of weather throughout most of the year.


Right, so if you want cold all year round, than move out of NY. I don't like that weather all year round. As I said, I can do either I just don't like precipitation. There is the requisite amount of precip in NY. Therefor it is not I that should move, it's you, mah dude.

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Right, so if you want cold all year round, than move out of NY. I don't like that weather all year round. As I said, I can do either I just don't like precipitation. There is the requisite amount of precip in NY. Therefor it is not I that should move, it's you, mah dude.


There is no place on earth that is 40? all year round, though, and you know as well as I do that I can't move. Fianc?e hates cold weather, so I'm stuck, which means everyone else is stuck listening to me complain! :)

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Heat doesn't waste gas, AC does, AFAIK.


Neither AC nor heat "wastes" gas, per se. It requires gas to run either, which is why people say it's "wasted". Heat is just generally easier to produce since the engine runs hot and your car heat comes from excess heat from the engine itself.


They actually say, though, that if you are going 0 to 40 MPH not to use your AC, but open your windows instead. 40+ your car produces drag by opening the windows so you actually waste more gas that way than you would running your AC.

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There is no place on earth that is 40? all year round, though, and you know as well as I do that I can't move. Fianc?e hates cold weather, so I'm stuck, which means everyone else is stuck listening to me complain! :)


You asked her to marry you. That's your fault! lol

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I'd even settle for 50's. But it doesn't exist (to my knowledge). The "perfect" climate is considered San Diego because it's 70's year-round.


I'm not even upset that summer exists. I hate it, and I wish it didn't, but I could deal with summer if there was actually a winter to balance it. But this four days of 30? weather followed by weeks of 50's and then all of a sudden it's spring is bullshit.

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