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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Fuck that, too many alligators. Alligators and I dislike each other immensely. In order to out run them I'd have to move to where the old people are or the rednecks, I like neither of those anymore than I do alligators.


Aside from the rampant racism, rednecks are some of my favorite people on earth.

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Have you ever had to have a serious conversation with rednecks about sports that aren't college football? It's impossible. It's like trying to converse about technology or good beer. Impossible.


My family are rednecks. Of course I have.


They all drink Coors Light (out of cans with koozies) and love NASCAR, NFL and MLB.

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HA! I'm not. I think you'll realize that after you meet me. I may be quite liberal in my social and political POV's, but I'm pretty much a redneck at heart, too.


I love guns, big trucks, mudding, country music/rock, heavy metal, hunting, camouflage, etc.

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HA! I'm not. I think you'll realize that after you meet me. I may be quite liberal in my social and political POV's, but I'm pretty much a redneck at heart, too.


I love guns, big trucks, mudding, country music/rock, heavy metal, hunting, camouflage, etc.


I knew I liked you for some reason...:D :cheers:

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Who said rednecks don't like hockey? Or, well, how said hicks don't like hockey? Midwesterners in general can be pretty farm-first and they love their hockey and so many other sports. Sports is quite personal, really.


Also, same here, in religion and politics I really don't fit the stereotype of a countryside American, but I love all other things you just listed. There's something about big cars, big guns, big homes, big land, big flags and loud ass rock and country music.

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