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Video Game Christmas Gift Suggestions


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I've got a 9 year old girl and 7 year old boy (and a 3 year old girl but she probably isn't relevant to this convo). We have been playing my N64 for a few years and I think it is time to upgrade for them. I remember getting my Nintendo and Super Nintendo as a kid and it was the BEST. Kids tend to play sports games or Mario type of adventure games but that is really all I have for N64 so maybe they would play others if they were available.


I figured the Switch would be the rational choice but I wanted some outside opinion of possible better options. This will probably be a long termish investment for them because I don't plan on buying another system for many years down the road. Thoughts and opinions?

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I got a PS5 that I bought for myself.....but now my 10 year old daughter is into playing video games with me.  She loves playing games like Sonic, we got Just Dance the last couple of years (so she can get some sort of exercise).....and she loves to play NHL22 w/ me.....Also she likes board games so Monopoly has been a new purchase.  Oh and any games that she can drive a car and destroy, i hope that her driving skills in the video games won't imitate life b/c I would be scared for everyone on the road.  

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No NHL or hockey games in general on the switch.


we do have the switch though because you can bring it with you or play on the tv. We have a bunch of those dumb Minecraft and the other game exactly like it. They have some Pokémon and Mario games, too. They’ve downloaded some free or cheap games too. Old Nintendo simulators and among us. It certainly isn’t like when I was a kid getting a new system or game. 

for the most part, my kids still prefer a tablet or computer over the switch. If they had a console, I don’t think they’d play much at all. They used to play on the old Nintendo systems, but haven’t touched those in a long time. 

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