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23 team playoff system. 32 total teams.


Just...wow. Impressive, AHL. They've basically decided that the bottom 2 teams in each division don't make it.

Good way to try to recoup some gate revenue, and get guys some more reps. I don't see the issue.


1) First thing I thought of. Also considering the AHL is technically still a development league I guess it doesnt hurt to have more prospects playing in a playoff like format.


2) I dont watch the AHL so I dont care. But I will add that I was perfectly fine with 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, etc... I dont know why we suddenly want to start changing everything- I remember reading in the Athletic a while ago that there have been talks about doing something different in the NHL too. If 90% of the teams make the playoffs then whats the point of the regular season other than making money?

1) First thing I thought of. Also considering the AHL is technically still a development league I guess it doesnt hurt to have more prospects playing in a playoff like format.


2) I dont watch the AHL so I dont care. But I will add that I was perfectly fine with 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, etc... I dont know why we suddenly want to start changing everything- I remember reading in the Athletic a while ago that there have been talks about doing something different in the NHL too. If 90% of the teams make the playoffs then whats the point of the regular season other than making money?


For starters, I get the budgetary travel limitations in the AHL. I think it would be perfect if the divisions had an equal number of teams and top 6 in each division made it. The point of the regular season? Easy. The top 2 teams in each division earn a first round bye. Due to those budgetary travel limitations, the 3rd and 4th place teams get to host all three games of the first round. Those are pretty good incentives to do well in the regular season.

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