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What Animal Could You Beat in a Fight?


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King cobra is where you lose me. Those things are just too fast.


There's also the whole "this is a 12 foot long venomous snake whose bite can kill humans in 30 minutes" aspect to that one.


Like, who fucking thinks "oh yeah, I can beat a living poison rope in a fight?"

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I think I could definitely take a goose, house cat, and a rat. Anything higher than that and I'm a dead man. I've got a medium-sized dog (40 lbs) and, if she was so inclined, she'd kill me without much of a struggle.


Who the fuck said they could beat an elephant?


Is that considered medium though? I was thinking 60-75 lbs German Shepard. I got scrawny arms, I'd lose a limb. But if we're talking 40 pound beagle, I got him. Although, a 20lbs dog did send me to the ER... work related.


And, is the goose mad? Does he want to fight me?

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Is that considered medium though? I was thinking 60-75 lbs German Shepard. I got scrawny arms, I'd lose a limb. But if we're talking 40 pound beagle, I got him. Although, a 20lbs dog did send me to the ER... work related.


And, is the goose mad? Does he want to fight me?


Geese are surprisingly vicious bastards.

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Bear: No


Lion: No


Elephant: No


Gorilla: No


Crocodile: No


Wolf: No


Kangaroo: Maybe?


Chimp: I was thinking maybe, but then googled and saw this story....wtf???

(6:45 to see the carnage...yikes) - I guess Chimps are stronger than I thought, and dangerous


King Cobra: I think yes, but I wouldn't live long enough afterwards to tell the tale as the venom kills me. Though not sure how quickly the venom works to affect motor skills/breathing. Looks like it can kill you within 30 minutes. Only need a minute to stomp its head to bits, but it's certainly going to bite me first.


Large dog: No


Eagle: Indoors maybe? Outdoors no.


Medium sized dog: Maybe?


Goose: Yes


House cat: Yes


Rat: Yes

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I'm probably best against shit like crickets, and mosquitos. I've lost to yellow jackets and hornets more than a few times... ;)


On a good drinking night though I can take out a good sized mosquito! :rofl:

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I'm probably best against shit like crickets, and mosquitos. I've lost to yellow jackets and hornets more than a few times... ;)


On a good drinking night though I can take out a good sized mosquito! :rofl:


On a good drinking night, I'm finding the fucking grizzlies and elephants.

On a "normal" night, my dog would eat my face.

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